Robots Won’t Solve Our Labour Shortage

Ongoing labour shortages continue to frustrate growth in virtually every economic sector. Countries across the developed world are clamoring for solutions, with many pointing to robots and automation as the future of work. In reality, human workers are far more flexible and capable of filling our immediate labour needs than their robotic counterparts.

The ongoing pandemic has illustrated that many existing labour shortages simply cannot be remedied by adding more robots to the workforce. Countries recruiting foreign workers and upskilling their existing workforce, on the other hand, are faring well.

Robots won’t solve our global labour shortage, but qualified migrant labourers are ready and willing to help those companies desperately looking for workers right now.

A Call For Workers

It was only a few years ago that foreboding headlines warned that robots would be coming to take the jobs of hardworking professionals. Automation angst persists even in nations like Germany, where there’s a rising acceptance of robots in the workforce. Still, these clever robots simply cannot solve the labour shortage that’s haunting the global economy and many EU nations.

Germany is now calling for up to 400,000 skilled migrant labourers every year, an indication that automation isn’t sufficient by itself to resolve labour shortage woes. It should be clear for all to see that robotic efficiency must be coupled with talented human capital in order to staff the many vacant positions that businesses desperately want filled.

“Countries recruiting foreign workers will find that migrants are flexible enough to accept new training,”  notes Joblio CEO Jon Purizhansky. “Unlike retooling machine parts, which can be expensive and time-consuming, migrants can quickly learn new skills to fill vacant roles.”

Automation and robotics can deliver tremendous commercial value, but the truth of the matter is they’re almost always over-sensationalized. Many sensational headlines argue that machines will “do half of all work tasks” within just a few short years, a claim so vague as to be nearly worthless to business owners devising long-term commercial plans.

While automation can deliver commercial gains, it’s actually talented human workers who are the most crucial element of the modern economy. Supply chain failures that often resulted from crippling labour shortages in essential industries during the pandemic illustrates this principle clearly.

Many workers who were derided in the recent past as fulfilling unimportant roles that would soon be automated actually proved to be essential workers whose daily labour kept society running during a crisis. Still, worker shortages continue to plague advanced economies.

So how should businesses respond to labour shortages that continue to frustrate their ambitions? The answer is simple – hire human workers who can help your organization grow.

Looking For Workers? Look Abroad. 

Millions of migrant labourers are ready and willing to work in the countries currently facing crippling labour shortages. Whether it’s data entry work, harvesting, or front-facing customer service, talented migrants can manage a multitude of important tasks. Unlike robots, which can be costly to retool and generate serious unease with some shoppers, human workers also breathe life into a commercial organization.

“Robots have their place, but migrants are incredibly flexible and can easily be trained to manage any number of commercial responsibilities,” notes Joblio CEO Jon Purizhansky. “The continued call for millions of migrant labourers illustrates that the robots can’t solve our economic problems by themselves.”

By streamlining the migration process, companies around the world looking for workers can tap into a nearly limitless supply of talented human capital. Thanks to platforms like Joblio, which comprehensively vet migrants and make it easy for employers to find talented workers, it will be wiser to invest in humans when it comes to determining the future of the workforce.

Templates For Commercial Success

Many savvy business owners recognize the inherent value of talented migrant labour but don’t know how to recruit the best foreign workers. Reviewing key templates for commercial success is a great place to start.

Coronavirus-induced lockdowns across India led many aspiring workers to upskill themselves with online learning, for instance. With millions of migrants being severely impacted by the economic impact of the pandemic, efforts to upskill them and use their talent to solve labour shortages should be redoubled.

Researchers have previously discovered that “migrant labour has sustained and extended flexible labour market structures.” Companies looking for workers will find that this inexhaustible supply of human talent will prepare them for any future changes to the workforce that market conditions of tomorrow demand.

“With the Joblio platform, we can make it easier and more affordable than ever before to solve labour shortages the moment they arise,” claims Jon Purizhansky. “By making it easier for migrants to navigate the immigration and assimilation process, companies everywhere can turn huge profits by cultivating an exceptional workforce.”

Ready to reshape the future of work? Robots and automation have proven lackluster, non-cost effective, and inflexible compared to talented human workers. Follow us at the Joblio blog for more simple solutions to help companies looking for workers.

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Jon Purizhansky Of Joblio: Five Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Became A CEO

No successful company becomes successful without teamwork and getting everyone on the same page.

As a part of our series called ‘Five Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Became A CEO’ we had the pleasure of interviewing Jon Purizhansky.

Jon Purizhansky is the CEO of Joblio and a New York lawyer with years of international business experience. Jon is committed to upholding humanitarian standards in the international migrant labour industry through Joblio’s digital platform. He is focused on bringing transparency and efficiency into otherwise non-transparent ecosystems globally and was awarded the Excellence Innovation Award in Human Rights Protection in 2021.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series! Before we dig in, our readers would like to get to know you a bit more. Can you tell us a bit about your “backstory”? What led you to this particular career path?

All my life, I’ve either been on the move myself or helping other people achieve social mobility by moving from country to country. I happened to be a refugee from the USSR as a teenager, stateless and undocumented. I lived in a refugee camp environment in Italy, and before that was in Austria. All of these experiences help me connect deeply with the plight of migrants on the move.

The industry of global labour migration is potentially the biggest in the world. Unfortunately, the migrants within this industry are faced with countless unknown variables that throw their futures into doubt. Who will you work for? Where? How much will you be paid? Will they abuse you? This creates a sort of PTSD, something I’m intimately familiar with myself.

I wanted to mitigate the unknown variables in this industry by bringing in compliance, transparency, and the protection of human rights that I wanted myself as a young man. That’s why I created Joblio, so that horrible human tragedies can become a thing of the past. By starting Joblio, I hoped to make upward mobility a real possibility for millions of migrants around the world.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you began leading your company?

Every day, we uncover an interesting new story thanks to our proprietary program called ACE — the Applicant Concierge Experience. The ACE program provides professional and cultural enrichment to those migrants who have been selected as job candidates through the Joblio platform. What would normally be a stressful period becomes a learning experience where the migrants can connect with one another and support one another.

Here’s one of the funny things about ACE — we’re taking migrants from all over the world and connecting them with one another through complimentary language learning services. The end result is an incredibly diverse group of people communicating with one another through the same language. This means that we have migrants from Nigeria, India, or Uzbekistan all speaking and joking with one another…in Polish!

That these migrants are always active and engaged with one another, and constantly provide learning opportunities for one another, is one of the best parts of the job. It’s why we’re so proud of the ACE program and why it will be a key part of Joblio as we move into our next chapter.

Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

I’ve learned much about migration and immigration law since I started Joblio. Here’s a curious quirk of migration law; all citizens in Moldova receive Romanian passports, allowing them to live and work inside of Romania. Moldova isn’t in the European Union, but nearly all of its citizens still enjoy access to an EU passport without living in an EU country!

This created something of a labour crisis in Moldova, which our original plans didn’t take into account. We had to quickly devise a flexible response and now help people from 12 countries — places like Nigeria, Nepal, and Uganda — find good jobs in Moldovan industries. These are often the first African migrants many Moldovans have ever seen.

As you get involved in this industry, you quickly learn that migration law is dizzying. There are peculiar rules — like the Moldovan passport exception in the EU — that you may never even know about until you get involved in the industry. You make mistakes, learn from them, and get better as you move forward.

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?

So many people have helped me get to where I am today, beginning of course with my parents. I also think of the friends and colleagues who have helped me create Joblio. I’ve been privileged to receive continuous and ongoing support, which is why I think we should be providing that same level of support to migrants aspiring to join our societies.

I’m also incredibly grateful to the migrants out there who are risking everything in the pursuit of a better life abroad. Without their tenacity, Joblio wouldn’t exist. Our global economy is so dependent upon their hard work, and they often go unappreciated. Every time we help migrants achieve their goals, we’re moving toward a more prosperous society for everyone.

As you know, the United States is currently facing a very important self-reckoning about race, diversity, equality and inclusion. This may be obvious to you, but it will be helpful to spell this out. Can you articulate to our readers a few reasons why it is so important for a business or organization to have a diverse executive team?

There’s a simple and obvious answer for why it’s so important for a business to champion diversity — you literally cannot succeed otherwise. Success in business is only possible when executives make decisions based on merit and fact instead of dealing with their personal preferences.

If you look at the world’s most successful companies today, they’re based on inclusion and recognition of talent irrespective of background. Merit is the only way to achieve true success, and merit means inclusion.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day recently passed us by in the United States — it was the Reverend King who famously proclaimed that he dreamed of living in a world where people would not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. Achieving that dream means recognizing merit wherever you find it.

We’re also promoting these principles by bringing people from all around the world to companies that are in desperate need of qualified workers. We bring candidates from Nigeria to Moldova, for instance, where immigrants and tourists from Africa have seldom visited in the past. The most successful countries in the world are saturated with immigrant labour because they want the best of the best.

When labour migration is handled ethically in emerging economies, we foster inclusion and prosperity for everyone. Joblio also has an ambassador program with representatives from all inhabitable continents — we’re already deriving incredible business benefits from being inclusive.

As a business leader, can you please share a few steps we must take to truly create an inclusive, representative, and equitable society? Kindly share a story or example for each.

At the highest level, we always try to remain open minded while treating everyone with the basic respect and dignity that we all deserve. It doesn’t matter who you are, what your personal choices are, where you come from, everybody has to be treated with basic respect.

For an example of taking real steps to foster inclusivity, look at our global ambassador program. Our program is on all inhabitable continents. Joblio is adding value to remote, impoverished communities around the world by increasing the amount of financial remittances they receive and allowing their labourers to earn higher wages than ever before. We can only achieve this thanks to a stellar team of ambassadors who come from every walk of life and showcase how Joblio values diversity.

Our ambassadors represent every major continent, religion, race — we are the example of inclusion and diversity and respect. This is why Joblio’s mission is to become the global standard for cross-border hiring.

Ok, thank you for that. Let’s now jump to the primary focus of our interview. Most of our readers — in fact, most people — think they have a pretty good idea of what a CEO or executive does. But in just a few words can you explain what an executive does that is different from the responsibilities of the other leaders?

The executive is the captain of the ship. When the ship sinks, the executive is the last person to step off the ship. They set the tone, strategy, and culture of the entire organization.

The executive is the person with the responsibility at the end of the day. The executive is the person who, while delegating to others, is still responsible for everything that the company does. It means responsibility. Responsibility to everyone — to the employees, to clients and shareholders, responsibility to investors and society as a whole.

What are the “myths” that you would like to dispel about being a CEO or executive. Can you explain what you mean?

The myth is that the CEO does nothing and tells other people what to do all day! In fact, the CEO is the person who is very often, especially in a startup environment, the DNA and engine of the company.

In a startup environment, the CEO is the person who sets strategies, goals, vision, mission, and establishes the company culture. Look at all the successful companies out there! The Amazons and the Teslas, and the Microsofts — the CEOs provided critical leadership to stellar teams.

What is the most striking difference between your actual job and how you thought the job would be?

I don’t know if I expected anything different than what I’m actually going through! Here’s what I expected:

I expected this project to be challenging, very exciting and personally engaging. I also expected this project to generate lots of good karma for many people. While there are plenty of challenges in front of us, and while what we’re doing is very difficult, I think that I expected most of the things, events, and energy that we’re going through right now. That makes it easier to succeed.

Do you think everyone is cut out to be an executive? In your opinion, which specific traits increase the likelihood that a person will be a successful executive and what type of person should avoid aspiring to be an executive?

You have to be very good with people. You have to have good intuition. Everything is about interacting with other people. Without that, you can’t succeed as an executive.

Avoid being a negative person. Did you spread the blame to others? Did you fail to take responsibility for your own mistakes? Failures don’t only blame other people, they sometimes blame events or market circumstances.

A good executive analyzes what leads to success versus failure and acts accordingly, capitalizing on their successful experiences and mitigating any potential downturns.

What advice would you give to other business leaders to help create a fantastic work culture? Can you share a story or an example?

It’s about the people that you’re spending time with. It’s about collective goals, and teamwork. No successful company becomes successful without teamwork and getting everyone on the same page.

It’s also about overcoming personal traits that may clash with one another. Can you help people advance and become better? Can you move forward as a team? This is part of the game.

So I’ll give you an example related to Joblio. In the tech industry, you have two ways to proceed — sometimes, you outsource your technology projects to third-parties, which is a method that’s enjoyed by many companies out there. Sometimes, you build in-house teams — this takes a long time, but once it’s done it’s your own team.

Joblio went down both paths, outsourcing when necessary but developing its own internal team as well. I realized I needed to make an executive decision to build everything in-house, as this creates culture and teambuilding and it’s the Joblio team.

I’m not saying this would always work for other companies, but I know it worked for us and we learned from this experience. It may take longer, but I’d rather build from within. Many disagree but I believe it’s worked for Joblio.

How have you used your success to make the world a better place?

Every person who Joblio helps find a job makes the world a better place. Joblio creates a better world by giving workers good jobs with high wages. They can now send more money back home to their families, creating upward social mobility in their home countries.

Employers also benefit from having a great workforce of talented migrants who are eager to get the job done. Employers are enjoying newly found efficiencies and optimizing their revenue management cycles. Governments love it, too, because it creates taxable income, cuts down on crime, and turns illegal immigration into documented, efficient, and ethical immigration.

Fantastic. Here is the primary question of our interview. What are your “5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Started” and why? (Please share a story or example for each.)

1. “Nothing personal, it’s just business,” is always a false quote. We spend so much time working together and creating teams in order to facilitate business that it’s impossible not to become personally involved. There will be ups and downs — people getting excited or disappointed — and as the CEO I may have to make decisions that don’t make everyone happy. The best job we can do is working considerately with people’s feelings and ensuring a healthy culture always reigns.

2. Always expect the unexpected. Things don’t always go according to plan. The only thing we’re ever really guaranteed is that there are no guarantees in life! What this really means is we have to be practical and recognize that we can’t foresee everything that’s going to happen. So be flexible, be ready to roll with the punches and try to turn an unexpected situation to your advantage whenever possible.

3. Recognize you can’t control everything. CEOs can’t afford to labor under the delusion that they can control everyone and everything around them. The only person you can truly control is yourself, so exercise self-discipline while recognizing that some things are beyond your power. This also applies to your team — delegate whenever possible and don’t get in the way of their hard work. Set clear objectives and provide insightful instructions before fairly judging by the results.

Companies and countries fail when one person causes system paralysis by trying to control everything. It’s important to learn how to let go.

4. Prepare for harsh criticisms. You will be disliked and even hated by some. The amount of negative feedback you receive will grow exponentially as you and your business grow. On the other axis, however, there will be a lot of gratitude, respect, and even adoration. You won’t only gain enemies, you’ll also cultivate a fan base and a network of helpful partners. Be grateful for both. One will keep you humble, the other one will lift you up.

5. Make self care a priority. Some CEOs think that they have to dive into business full time, even at the expense of their own mental or physical wellbeing. The reality is that the company can’t succeed unless its leadership is taking care of itself. That starts with the CEO.

You don’t just belong to yourself anymore. Your mental and physical wellbeing are now company assets. Think of yourself as an Olympic athlete preparing for the games — you’ll need healthy eating habits, a consistent sleep schedule, familiarity with meditation and breathing exercises, and a physical fitness routine that you can stick to. Keep yourself happy, learn to relax and prepare yourself for upcoming challenges, and remember that your company needs you in top shape.

You are a person of great influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good for the greatest number of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger.

I would like to inspire a movement for equitable labour migration that is based on transparency, trust, and ethics. People should no longer be cheated.

Don’t forget that all human trafficking, or nearly all of it, begins with a promise of work somewhere. In fact, I believe that because of the unique way that the Joblio platform works, we’re already becoming a global force for good.

I mentioned ACE before — just take a look at this program and you will see, this is completely different, quite unique, and I’m not sure I can adequately articulate how it’s becoming an organic movement. Migrants are taking control of their own destinies and this will trigger an avalanche of innovation and positivity that we can only begin to dream about right now.

Can you please give us your favorite Life Lesson Quote? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?

“If you will it, it’s no longer a dream.”

As a former stateless person myself, I understand the importance of fostering hope and struggling toward a distant goal. If we all remember the sheer force of human willpower, we can achieve tremendous things by working together.

We are very blessed that some very prominent names in Business, VC funding, Sports, and Entertainment read this column. Is there a person in the world, or in the US with whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why?

You know, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again — Elon Musk!

I don’t know him personally but I’d love to meet him. He developed ideas that transform the world and then he executes those ideas brilliantly. There are many people with great ideas who are incapable of executing their ideas.

Elon has shown that, in my eyes, he’s the most brilliant business developer out there who completes the circle — he developed the idea to change the world, then he actually implements the plan of action, all the while maintaining a commercially viable and profitable business enterprise. It’s amazing.

Thank you for these fantastic insights. We greatly appreciate the time you spent on this.

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Simple Solution For Romania’s Labour Crisis

The people of Romania are dealing with a crippling labour shortage that’s throttling long term economic growth. There’s a simple solution for Romania’s labour crisis — import more talented workers who have the skills needed to fill in vacant job postings.

At Joblio, we’re developing an innovative technology platform to help Romanian business owners do exactly that. Here’s how Romania can supercharge its growth by recruiting migrant labourers who are ready and willing to get the job done.

Romania Needs Talented Workers

There’s no denying that Romania is struggling with a labour shortage right now. Romanian employers are currently looking for workers in agricultural sectors like vegetable harvesting and fish & forestry services. Many others are looking for workers in the machine trades or want to hire additional employees for structural work like painting and tiling. More workers are needed in virtually every vital Romanian industry.

Not only is Romania struggling to attract new workers, but its current workforce is in dire need of upskilling, according to a report from the Brookings Institute. Romania will fail to achieve its true economic potential without a desperately needed injection of talented human capital. That may not be possible without ample outsourcing.

The solution is simple: migrant labourers from every corner of the world are ready and willing to work in Romania. Already, Romania has benefited tremendously from foreign nationals who have filled labour shortages in the construction industry. Outsourcing employees has already driven tremendous growth in vital industries like construction.

Local reports also indicate that employers are very satisfied with the work ethic and resiliency of the migrant labourers who have helped pull them out of a rut. Globalization and labour exploitation don’t have to mix anymore thanks to new ethical hiring solutions.

“The people of Romania are in serious need of additional workers,” notes Joblio CEO Jon Purizhansky. “Luckily, our platform can help them solve this labour crisis.”

It’s time to go a step further and embrace migrant labourers in a myriad of Romanian industries that are struggling to make ends meet. Right now, Romanian businesses have to engage in the costly and time-consuming process of finding foreign workers by themselves and soliciting government approval for a travel visa. Thanks to Joblio, that’s about to become much easier and more affordable than ever before.

Joblio Is The Solution To Romania’s Labour Shortage

Joblio is already reshaping the industry of global labour migration. By providing transparency and ethical treatment to migrant labourers while letting employers tap into a vast supply of talented workers, Joblio ensures workers can quickly and smoothly move to where they’re needed at an affordable cost.

Romanian employers looking for workers to manage bricklaying, electrical work, or house painting can easily find qualified candidates with Joblio’s help. Thanks to Joblio’s massive talent pool, Romanian employers will always have many skilled migrants to choose from.

By speeding up the visa onboarding process with our expertise, we guarantee a smooth and reliable flow of talented workers to countries like Romania that are experiencing labour shortages. By investing in the physical and mental wellbeing of migrants, we ensure human rights are never thrown by the wayside in the rush toward profits.

Joblio also reduces costly employee turnover that forces businesses to invest over and over in lackluster recruitment. Romanian businesses that outsource with Joblio can save huge sums of money in the long term with more effective recruitment cycles.

“Thanks to the Joblio platform, migrants secure well-paying jobs and employers save huge sums of money by avoiding costly churn,” says Jon Purizhansky. “The end result is that everybody wins!”

How Joblio Works For Migrants & Employers

Joblio works by providing a technological platform that’s easy for both migrants and employers to use. Migrants are presented with accurate and fair job opportunities, while Romanian employers can scour a list of talented candidates who may have the skills they need. All the while, cash remittances to the migrant’s home countries are increasing, ensuring social mobility is being enhanced around the world.

Countries recruiting foreign workers are pulling ahead of those dealing with domestic labour shortages. Failing to take advantage of the benefits of outsourcing will only further harm the Romanian economy. It’s time to fill the Romanian labour shortage in construction and agricultural trades with the help of the Joblio platform.

Joblio already has plentiful experience filling labour shortages around the globe. Whether it’s construction, transportation, agriculture, or a litany of other industries, Joblio can pair Romanian businesses up with talented migrants who are eager to get to work. By cracking down on human rights abuses and providing an avenue for legal immigration, the Joblio platform also ensures that the wellbeing of people is always the top priority.

Ready to get to work? Learn more about the Joblio platform to solve your labour crisis.

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Joblio’s ACE Program Is Revolutionizing Migrant Assimilation

Labor shortages around the world are putting a serious strain on supply chains and companies of all sizes. Migrant laborers are being called upon to solve these shortages, yet high churn rates mean that employers are constantly seeking new migrant laborers who are costly to import, train, and acclimate to local norms.

A more efficient way to recruit, train, and retain talented migrant laborers is needed. Investing in migrant communities is the answer. Through its proprietary Applicant Concierge Experience (ACE) program, Joblio is revolutionizing migrant assimilation.

Migration Made Easy

Uprooting yourself in order to move halfway around the world for a new job opportunity has never been easy. This lengthy process often involves learning a new language, familiarizing yourself with new cultural customs, and establishing a daily routine in a strange new home. Luckily, the Applicant Concierge Experience is revolutionizing assimilation by equipping migrants with the skills they need to succeed in their host countries.

The ACE program is focused on pre-departure and post-arrival community management. This means that migrant laborers begin acclimating to their new homes before they even leave their origin countries. It also ensures they receive continuous support once they land in their new home and face unexpected challenges.

The ACE program begins with Joblio’s team of global ambassadors, who scour the globe in search of the most talented migrant laborers. After recruiting these migrants and ensuring their visas and other documents are in order, the ACE program focuses on ensuring cultural enrichment and language support while ensuring the key human needs of migrants are met.

How The Ace Program Works

We can’t expect migrants to solve our labour shortages unless they’re treated with respect and dignity. This is why the ACE program thoroughly inspects migrant housing to ensure it’s up to standards before any migrants begin living there. Our welcome program also ensures that migrants have a helping hand to rely on when they land in their new host country for the first time.

Jon Purizhansky: The ACE program then pivots to building solidarity between the actual migrants themselves. This involves free language services and cultural enrichment so that migrants become acclimated to the food and norms of their new homes. It allows diverse migrants ranging from Nigeria to Uzbekistan to speak with one another in a common language they’re learning together in order to secure better job opportunities and higher wages.

Members of the ACE program live together, learn together, and share meals together with an ACE-provided chef with culinary expertise. When migrants are happy and healthy together, they’re less likely to abandon their job prospects and force employers to embark upon another costly recruitment campaign. It also diminishes human rights abuses which are tragically common in the migrant labor industry.

Investing In Our Mutual Future

It can take up to 12 months to recruit a migrant laborer. With up to 70 percent of migrant laborers eventually leaving their jobs, contributing to incredibly costly industry churn, employers are struggling to keep positions manned by competent workers. The ACE program solves this crisis by ensuring migrants are treated right and stick around for the long haul.

“The cost of employee turnover is immense,” notes Joblio CEO Jon Purizhansky. “Companies that retain their migrant laborers with better treatment will save huge sums of money in the long run while cracking down on unethical abuses.”

An established system that provides support in both the pre-departure and post-arrival periods is essential for successful assimilation. Adequate housing, appetizing meals, language services, and professional training all go a long way toward cultivating a talented and loyal workforce. All of this is only possible through Joblio’s proprietary ACE program, which is quickly becoming the global standard for human rights protections.

“It’s always worth investing in migrant community management,” says Jon Purizhansky. “When you treat migrant laborers with dignity and respect, they work harder than ever before and ensure that everybody prospers.”

Joblio understands that positive outcomes can only be derived by investing in the wellbeing of the same migrant communities who will be working on our behalf.

Ready to be a part of a revolution that’s transforming the global labor market? Learn more about Joblio today to start making the world a better place with migrant community management.

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Demand Ethical Recruiting Now: Integrating Refugees into the Global Community

Last year the world watched in horror as Afghanistan fell to the Taliban in mere weeks. While the images of refugees are both heart-wrenching and infuriating, for those who survive this gauntlet, there are hosts of parasites and middlemen who wait to take advantage of their desperate status.

I was a refugee and later, a migrant worker, having fled my home country as a boy. I lived in Austria and Italy and can testify first hand to the dangers of refugee life and of the opportunists who entrap and enslave vulnerable people. After immigrating to America, I worked to become a lawyer, an activist, a father, and an entrepreneur.

Wherever migrants or refugees can be found, corrupt practices exist that prey upon these vulnerable people. Private missions often incur huge rescue costs, and refugees often remain dislocated without opportunity to work and make the money that sets them on a new path of independence. Consider what it might mean for refugees to be placed in regions in grave need of workers, enabling them to start over while breathing new economic life into the countries and communities that accept them.

Vulnerable populations seldom possess the political or economic power they need to gain a better lot in life. Unstable economies, security, and economic disenfranchisement are leading causes of radicalization, criminal activities, smuggling, and warfare.

It is essential to acknowledge that across the developing world, populations are reaching increased longevity, leading to critical shortages of young workers that fuel economic growth. According to the United Nations, “one in six people in the world will be aged 65 years or over” by 2050. Germany, The United States, Japan, and many other major economies will need young workers to keep up with demand for products and services. At this moment, we have an opportunity to address both concerns. If global migrants and refugees are to travel around the world to solve labor shortages, first-world nations must step up and take responsibility to hold employers accountable and demand ethical practices to protect workers.

Political leaders, titans of business, and international humanitarian groups need to acknowledge the urgency of this crisis and of this opportunity to act. We must cultivate technology that generates a seismic social impact and develops global infrastructure to help them. When governments, businesses, and technological innovators fail to step up and address social problems, the most vulnerable suffer when their plight is monetized by wealthy actors who seek to profit from chaos.

Currently, a lack of tools for coordinating the global movement of people is leading to serious abuses and corruption in the evacuation and resettlement of refugees. Standardization is sorely needed across the world to ensure optimal outcomes. We already know that technology can make an important social impact, but only if it is wielded by governments and groups with ethical motivations.

We must reject efforts to cash in on the suffering of migrants, refugees, and vulnerable persons. It’s not enough to simply understand the migrant community — we all need to lend a helping hand as well. We should loudly support current resettlement efforts and help migrants find affordable housing and careers as soon as possible. We need to commandeer technology, and the power of the globe, to streamline and permanently digitize the process of relocating and integrating migrants.

While we as individuals cannot help the masses of jobless, displaced, or hungry people, there is something we can do — and demand as global citizens — that has a far-reaching impact on people and peace as a whole.

  • We can establish and implement ethical practices for hiring transitory workers.
    ● We can facilitate arrangements with governments and with employers to provide them with the workers they need.
    ● We can use technology to create a transparent process and provide support vehicles that benefit both the employer and the employee.

This is where our culture’s righteousness can be leveraged for real change and action. Commit to ensuring that refugees, migrants, and other vulnerable workers can enjoy the rights they deserve without being exploited by those who seek to profit from their situation. With a global agenda to help vulnerable persons on the move, we can radically defy corruption and prioritize the upholding of human rights around the world. Ethical recruiting is the solution and we make that a reality by building relationships with governments and businesses, and transparency in connecting skilled workers to employers in need of worker.

About Joblio, Inc

Jon Purizhansky is Founder and CEO of Joblio, a leading technology SaaS platform and app designed to provide skilled labor with employers throughout the world, while actively bringing change to the global migrant labor industry. Joblio prevents fraud and ensures compliance with labor laws in the processes of human capital relocation across the world. By directly connecting migrant laborers with their employers, Joblio removes middlemen from the hiring process to ensure fair and prosperous employment. In 2021, Joblio received the “Excellence Innovation Award in Human Rights Protection” Award from the Abrahamic Business Circle.

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Joblio In 5 Fast Facts

Joblio is trusted by countless migrants all around the world in search of new jobs. Yet Joblio is more than a simple job board – it’s a global community of migrants and employers.

Here are 5 major facts that you may not know about the Joblio platform.

1. Joblio Is The Proud Winner Of Humanitarian Awards

Joblio doesn’t just preach human rights – we protect them, too. Joblio CEO Jon Purizhansky was honored with the “Excellence Innovation Award in Human Rights Protection” in Dubai following his years of service to the migrant community.

2. Joblio Has A Global Presence

Joblio is based in the United States but has a truly global presence. Did you know that Joblio has offices in the US, Poland, Moldova, and Azerbaijan? Joblio also has representatives or ambassadors on every continent except Oceania and Antarctica!

3. Joblio Candidates Are Sourced From  12 Countries

The Joblio platform is now so popular that it draws in candidates from around the world. From Nigeria to Nepal, talented workers are rising to the occasion in every industry. Workers from nearly every continent can count on Joblio to find a new life abroad.

4. More than 1,000 Joblio Candidates Are Waiting For Work Permits

Joblio is providing so many employment opportunities that more than 1,000 qualified candidates are currently in processing and awaiting work permits from their host countries. No matter what labor shortages arise in the future, Joblio has a deep pool of talented workers to guarantee economic growth for everybody.

5. Joblio Provides Free Language Classes For All Workers 

Joblio is invested in the success of our job candidates. That’s why we provide free language classes as part of ACE : Applicant Concierge Experience,  to all successful candidates, ensuring quick integration and cultural cohesion. With the help of the Joblio platform, countless migrants enjoy the opportunity to learn a new language for free as they seek work abroad.

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Joblio Partners With HR Agencies To Bridge the Gap During Global Labour Crisis

HR agencies across the world have ample access to qualified workers but not enough lead generation to ensure they’re hired. By partnering up with the Joblio platform, HR agencies can easily connect domestic job-seekers with countries recruiting foreign workers, turning a tidy profit all the while.

Looking for workers? Want to pair job-seekers up with the best possible opportunities? The Joblio Global Ambassador Program allows HR agencies looking for clients in Europe to provide better outcomes than ever before.

Joblio Explains: The Benefits of Labour Import

There’s no denying that outsourcing and labour importation is a critical part of the modern economy. Everything from data entry work and virtual assistants to hiring truck drivers or finding bus drivers can be expedited by outsourcing employees or importing them from overseas. That’s easier said than done, however, especially without the help of experts at Joblio.

“By joining Joblio’s Global Ambassador Program, HR agencies can provide us with vetted employees to help us fill critical labour shortages around the world. In return, they can create a new revenue stream through contracts with Joblio,” notes CEO Jon Purizhansky.

European enterprises recruiting foreign workers want to ensure that migrant labourers are vetted before they arrive. By partnering up with local HR agencies across the globe, Joblio ensures a thorough vetting process. Shipyards, construction companies, food processing plants, and transportation companies looking for workers abroad  can thus rest assured that they’re welcoming qualified workers who can seriously contribute to global economic growth.

As business process outsourcing (BPO) becomes more common, the Joblio Global Ambassador Program will allow HR agencies in countries like Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines to achieve new levels of staff outsourcing at scale. Companies in Poland, Romania, Germany and the UK, that are looking for workers fill in their labour shortages, ensuring a win-win scenario for everyone involved.

Looking For Clients? Join The Joblio Global Ambassador Program

HR experts that have to focus efforts on lead generation of prospects can now concentrate their efforts on what they do best: talent acquisition, while dramatically improving their bottom lines by partnering with Joblio. This is achieved through the Joblio revenue sharing model; every time that Joblio ensures a migrant labourer is successfully hired abroad, the platform receives a fee that’s paid by the employer during the whole employment lifespan of the worker.

HR partners that join the Global Ambassador Program gain access to these lucrative fees whenever they fill a position. Joblio’s revenue sharing model ensures that HR agencies which fill the most positions end up reaping the largest profits.

“The HR agencies which join our Global Ambassador Program enjoy the potential to stand out in the competitive market of talent acquisition by filling in critical labour shortages around the world,” says CEO Jon Purizhansky. “By fostering a more prosperous global economy, we all win.”

For too long, globalisation and labour exploitation have gone hand-in-hand. With the help of the Joblio platform, that’s starting to change with an unprecedented focus on the wellbeing of migrant labourers. HR firms already know the benefits of outsourcing, but by partnering with Joblio they can spread the good news to countless companies and consumers across the globe, all while expanding their business.

Supplying Vetted Workers Leads To Greater Profits

The simple equation for HR agencies to understand is that supplying qualified, vetted workers through the Joblio Global Ambassador Program leads to great profits. For every qualified candidate that a GAP partner provides, they’ll receive a hefty fee to facilitate future hirings. All the while, the GAP program serves the global economy by avoiding painful labour shortages that lea to supply crises.

Contact Joblio today to become part of an exciting future where the well being of migrant workers is always prioritised.

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International Migrant’s Day

On December 18th, we celebrated International Migrant’s Day, a holiday established by the UN that reminds us of the vital role that migrants play when it comes to fostering economic growth. With migrants now composing 3.6 percent of the global population, it’s more important than ever before to highlight the hard work and invaluable labour they provide to so many firms.

As former Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon reminds us, “migration is an expression of the human aspiration for dignity, safety and a better future. It is part of the social fabric, part of our very make-up as a human family.” As we head into the new year, I know every member of the Joblio team will strive for more dignified, safe, and productive migrant policies.

In 2015 alone, migrants contributed roughly $6.7 trillion to the global economy, nearly 10% of the worldwide GDP that year. I’m confident that number will continue to climb as Joblio confidently strives toward a more transparent, ethical, and efficient future for all workers.

To the countless migrants around the world who continue working tirelessly toward a brighter future, I can only say thank you – Joblio is deeply grateful for your courage, perseverance, and bold commitment to creating a better tomorrow.

Migration is an expression of the human aspiration for dignity, safety and a better future. It is part of the social fabric, part of our very make-up as a human family.” – Ban Ki-moon, former Secretary-General of the United Nations, UN PRESS RELEASE 

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Looking For Workers Through Joblio : Solving the Bus Driver Shortage

  • A critical shortage of bus drivers is harming economic growth in the EU
  • Joblio makes it easy to hire bus drivers when looking for workers
  • Joblio candidates are thoroughly vetted and ethically sourced to avoid Personnel issues
  • The Joblio team is ready to help you recruit foreign workers to end labour shortages

A disastrous labour shortage is fueling an industrial crisis that has companies everywhere looking for workers. In order to recover from this historic hiring crisis, businesses need a reliable pipeline of talented workers who can quickly fill shortages whenever they arise.

Countries recruiting foreign workers to fulfill domestic labour shortages is the obvious step forward. With the help of the Joblio platform, hiring can easily be accelerated without suffering the negative consequences of globalization and labour exploitation.

Looking For Workers Is Easy With Joblio

Companies and governments across Europe are looking for workers and want to hire bus drivers immediately. A lack of qualified drivers has led to a crippling labour shortage which means that fewer workers are being safely transported to their destinations than ever before. This, in turn, leads to reduced efficiency elsewhere in the economy.

Things are getting so bad that service shortages are now cropping up. The solution is hiring platforms like Joblio, which create natural talent pipelines that lead an endless supply of talented professionals to the hungry employers in need of additional workers.

“With Joblio’s help, hiring bus drivers and looking for workers becomes more efficient and ethical than ever before, all while remaining legally compliant,” says Joblio CEO Jon Purizhansky. “It’s because our partners allow us to tap into a global talent network that local competitors simply can’t compete with.”

By thoroughly vetting each and every candidate before contract negotiations begin, Joblio ensures that globalization and labour exploitation don’t have to be one and the same. Instead, we can forge new global connections that are ethically sourced, compliant with regulatory regimes, and guaranteed to solve our dire domestic labour shortages.

Recruiting foreign workers and integrating them successfully

Joblio has already helped countless companies from every corner of the world fulfill their hiring needs by recruiting foreign workers at scale. Our extensive vetting process ensures their documents are in order before travel begins while guaranteeing public health concerns aren’t brushed under the table during the recruitment process.

“With Joblio, companies hiring foreign workers to fill labour shortages always know exactly what they’re signing up for,” notes Jon Purizhansky. “Ethical global recruitment just got a whole lot easier.”

Tired of trying to figure out recruitment policy in Poland? Exhausted from late-night legal research about recruiting foreign specialists? Joblio’s expert team takes the stress out of hiring by connecting you directly with qualified candidates who are legally ready to start working as soon as possible.

Joblio’s success when it comes to helping businesses that are looking for workers stems from our commitment to integration. Our high-value candidates receive extensive support from our hiring platform to ensure they have everything they need in their new community as they get to work. By providing language services and the comforts of familiar cultural foods, Joblio has cultivated an unparalleled international talent pool ready to get to work.

European Roads Need More Drivers

Trucks and bus services across the EU are struggling due to a lack of qualified drivers. With the help of the Joblio platform, countries recruiting foreign workers can quickly fill these shortages and ensure public transportation needs are met without breaking the bank. It’s a win-win solution for employees and employers alike.

The current driver shortage is a global issue that demands an international response. By unifying behind the Joblio platform, countries recruiting foreign workers can ensure the ethical, efficient, and affordable hiring of workers at scale like never before. Without next-generation platforms like Joblio, our current service outages will only grow worse as time goes on.

Businesses which are looking for workers must understand that the hiring solution they desperately need is staring them in the face. By creating an international network where employers and job-seekers can easily find one another and effortlessly negotiate contracts, Joblio stands ready to help our global economy recover from this industrial crisis.

Looking to hire workers and take part in our global movement? Contact Joblio today and keep up to date with the Joblio blog, where we’re providing the latest hiring insights for recruiting foreign workers.

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Joblio interverrà al Global Investment Forum sulle problematiche riguardanti i Migranti Economici nel Mondo che si svolge in Costa Azzurra

Il CEO e il Presidente presenteranno le capacità tecnologiche di Joblio mirate a risolvere le problematiche migratorie globali.

Joblio illustrerà il proprio impegno nella risoluzione delle problematiche riguardanti i Migranti Economici nel Mondo alla Conferenza 2021 per gli Investimenti a favore dello Sviluppo Sostenibile (2021 Investment in Sustainable Development Conference) che sarà ospitata dal CC Forum. Il Presidente David Arkless e il CEO Jon Purizhansky presenteranno la piattaforma tecnologica nel corso della conferenza incentrata su innovazione aziendale e attività legislativa.

Il Presidente Arkless ribadirà il sostegno di Joblio nell’innovazione per realizzare modelli di assunzione sostenibili a beneficio dei diritti umani e a discapito delle attività criminali. Nel suo intervento, Purizhansky si soffermerà sulla possibile risoluzione, in modo sostenibile, della questione dei migranti globali dalla quale potrebbero trarne pari beneficio datori di lavoro e dipendenti. Spiegherà come la piattaforma tecnologica all’avanguardia di Joblio miri a salvare vite umane, ad aprire mercati globali e a contribuire alla realizzazione di un mercato della forza lavoro trasparente.

La presentazione dimostrerà come la piattaforma di Joblio possa rafforzare gli sforzi per una ripresa globale post COVID-19. Riconoscendo la necessità dei lavoratori migranti di inviare sostegno economico alle famiglie in patria, l’impegno di Joblio è volto a fornire un modello di assunzione sostenibile in grado di potenziare l’economia internazionale. Spostando l’attenzione dagli intermediari ai lavoratori migranti stessi che sono alla ricerca di un’occupazione lavorativa, Joblio fornisce una soluzione contro la dilagante corruzione che affligge i mercati globali del lavoro.

All’evento, che si svolge sulla Costa Azzurra, parteciperanno senior leader per gli investimenti e le attività commerciali provenienti da ogni parte del mondo. Oltre al Presidente Arkless e al CEO Jon Purizhansky, altri partecipanti di rilievo alla conferenza saranno Steven O’Brien, Segretario Generale del G20 Foundation, il Principe Michael del Liechtenstein, Fondatore e Presidente della società Geopolitical Intelligence Services.

Gli argomenti che saranno trattati nel corso del forum riguarderanno le tecnologie emergenti, l’ambiente e le energie rinnovabili, l’inclusione sociale e la filantropia, la sanità e l’educazione. Investitori e responsabili delle politiche avranno la possibilità di incontrare e ascoltare innovatori leader alla guida di startup in questi settori.

Le precedenti edizioni del CC Forum si sono svolte a Londra (Ottobre 2019), Monaco (Settembre 2020) e Dubai (Aprile 2021).

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