How do Ethical Global Labor Practices Make for Better Trade?

Ethical Global Labor

Nelson Mandela once said, “To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity.”

By implementing ethical global labor practices and socially responsible policies, we are bettering the trade world by ensuring both the communities and the environments are being taken care of rather than taken advantage of, says NY based immigration attorney Jon Purizhansky. It should also be noted that global labor practices like fair trade are equally good for the reputation of the partnering organization, creating a beautiful and trusting interdependent relationship.

It is easy for some major corporations to profit off of desperate workers in desperate situations. After all, this has been a problem since the beginning of humankind. While it still happens all over the world, consumers are starting to take notice, and support for fair trade companies grows stronger every day, reflects Jon Purizhansky.

Ethical global labor practices ensure fair trade for both parties. Fairtrade ensures that the corporations of developed countries pay a sustainable (or appropriate) price to the producers in the developing countries for their quality labor and products and also embrace sustainable environmental practices.

Besides the fair trade of money for the product and the proper treatment of the environment, fair trade also ensures that the product is a result of zero child labor, discrimination, or forced labor; that instead, good working conditions were the only option. Fairtrade promotes accountability at every level to ensure that human rights are protected, and social justice is assured.

These labor practices ultimately lead to skill improvement, increases in standards of living, and an overall improvement in communities for generations to come. They are a precious investment in developing economies.

For the developed organization, a fair trade relationship includes such benefits as better sales, drawing investors, increasing trust in/among those involved with the corporations, boosting morale, increasing revenue, and, overall, leading to success and growth.

Fairtrade support will likely continue to increase in popularity as more consumers are made aware of it. Labeling of products, promotion of campaigns, and recognizing World Fair Trade Day are all steps being taken to make for better trade. In a nutshell, the more ethical labor practices that can be created and promoted, the more human rights will be protected throughout the world, notes Jon Purizhansky.

We can all play our part, taking those extra few seconds at the store to look for the label that ensures ethical global labor practice. Each little action we take can result in a better life for someone else.

Author: Jon Purizhansky

Jon Purizhansky is a lawyer, entrepreneur and commentator in New York. He is an avid follower of US and International economics and politics. With decades of international experience, Jon Purizhansky reports on a wide variety of economic and political issues.

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