Recognizing and Protecting the Humanity of Migrants

Millions of migrants are on the move around the world today, yet international human rights protections are all too frequently flouted by those in power. Recognizing and protecting the shared humanity between ourselves and the migrant community is of critical importance. As refugees from Afghanistan, Haiti, and elsewhere seek new lives abroad, the global community must step forward to ensure their rights are respected.

Recent efforts to brutalize migrants must be loudly denounced if we wish to avoid wasting the progress on human rights we’ve made in the 21st century. Here’s why the international business community benefits by standing up for migrant rights.

Cruelty today leads to disaster tomorrow

There’s no denying that cruelty directed toward migrants and refugees imposes tragic costs upon these vulnerable groups. Religious and political refugees seeking protection abroad and migrant workers seeking to fill international labour shortages are regularly met with brutality when they try to claim asylum. Make no mistake about it – any cruelty dispensed toward migrants today will cause a backlash in the future. 

Those who castigate migrant workers as evil and dangerous soon discover the economic pain of living without those same migrant labourers. Initial enthusiasm to expel migrant labourers from Britain has now led to critical labour and resource shortages which portend economic malaise in the future. Those who rejected the crucial role of migrant labourers are reaping what they once sowed, but now everyone in the global economy has to pay the price for such folly.

“Opponents of migration seldom understand the immense economic costs they’re imposing on the rest of us,” notes Joblio CEO and migration expert Jon Purizhansky. “While they couch their arguments in the language of protectionism, migrant labourers are actually an unfettered economic good.” 

Nevertheless, thousands of migrants are subject to brutal conditions fostered by some of the world’s wealthiest governments. Terrifying cavalry raids and extralegal deportations continue to harass migrant populations and plant the seeds of a long-term economic downturn. The global business community must loudly protect the humanity of migrants for reasons both morally and financially sound.

Removing refugees from risk

The global community must come together and remove refugees from risk. By developing useful infrastructure that can help humans when they’re on the move, we can inject desperately needed transparency and efficiency into our international system for handling migration. This requires looking at the gaps in our current system to determine when, where, and how we’re failing migrants as they make their journeys. 

We must also remain vigilant as the pandemic continues to spread, especially in those underprivileged portions of the world with limited access to vaccines. The United Nations is already sounding the alarm and reminding the public that human rights will be drastically diminished by the continued spread of COVID-19. Business titans and political leaders must resolve themselves to improve the international migration system sooner rather than later.

“At Joblio, we’re constantly searching for ways to improve the wellbeing of migrants,” says Jon Purizhansky. “While we’re happy to lead the way, we want the support of others in our mission to establish new global standards in human rights protections.”

Building a better future for everyone 

In addition to developing new technologies to preserve human rights, public attention must be paid to human rights abuses when they occur. Nevertheless, real change requires more than merely paying attention to the optics of ongoing international news stories. Business leaders can’t simply chime in whenever it’s convenient – protecting the human rights of our migrant workers must be a constant and paramount priority. 

To build a better future, let’s commit ourselves to ensuring the rights of refugees and migrants everywhere. Let us ignore temporary outrage and invest ourselves instead in the slow but steady process of removing harmful actors from the practice of human migration. Platforms like Joblio are just the start – once we are united in a common purpose, the international community has the power to remake and radically improve the current international migration regime. 

Founder and CEO of

Founder and CEO of Jon Purizhansky points out that according to Human Rights Watch, An Italian program to provide undocumented migrants with a pathway to residency adopted amid the Covid-19 pandemic did not live up to its promise.

The Italian government struggled for years with the problem of undocumented migrants. At the same time, there is dire need for staff within the industries of agriculture and healthcare in Italy. Jon Purizhansky accents that the program created two pathways for undocumented migrants to acquire a temporary residency permit.

An employer sponsorship option limited to the agricultural sector, including livestock and fisheries, and the home care sectors, including care for people in their home and domestic work. It was available to people already employed irregularly – or with someone willing to hire them in these sectors – and who could prove they were in Italy before March 8. The other was a jobseeker permit available to people who became undocumented on or after October 31, 2019 and could prove that they were previously employed in agriculture or home care.

However, Italian employers are experiencing shortages of staff all across all the industries and not just the agriculture and the healthcare sectors. Despite the severity of the labor shortages, undocumented workers in construction, hospitality, and logistics, for example, were unable to apply for the program. The program also created an opportunity for fraud and further exploitation of vulnerable migrants, with reports of fictitious labor contracts being sold for up to €7,000.

Clearly, Italy requires an innovative approach that will bring transparency, compliance and efficiency into the industry of labor migration.

A global technology powered social impact project, Joblio directly connects employers who need staff with workers globally. Jon Purizhansky says that employers are able to post job opportunities that become visible to job applicants via or a native Joblio app available on all Apple and Android devices. Most importantly, Joblio removes all middlemen who exist in the chain between employers and employees and, therefore, catalyzes the process of hiring and optimizes efficiency for both, the employers and the employees. Jon Purizhansky points out that transparency created by Joblio not only creates economic efficiencies, but also protects human rights.

It is for this reason that Joblio could become a real de-facto solution for the undocumented migrant crises in Italy. Jon Purizhansky says that Joblio invites everyone to join its global fight against the inequities and the unfairness that currently exist within the space of global labor migration.

Joblio closes $4 million seed round amid Rapid Global Growth

You can take the refugee out of the refugee camp, says Jon Purizhansky, but you’ll never erase the pain of that experience.

The Buffalo-based attorney-turned-tech entrepreneur is using his history as fuel to build a social enterprise startup that helps protect transient employees from predatory middlemen.

Joblio, launched a year ago, is a global talent marketplace for migrant workers.

As it currently stands, workers in underdeveloped areas have to take out loans to pay middlemen, who set them up with jobs that can range from cleaning to fruit-picking. The middlemen often over-promise and under deliver, leading to problems for the employees and their prospective employers.

Joblio is a carefully managed software-as-a-service platform for those employers, who can connect directly with new pools of talent around the world (they only work with companies that provide free housing for the workers). And for the migrant workers themselves, it’s a free and transparent way to escape the tethers of poverty and lawlessness.

“Joblio walks into this ecosystem and brings order to it without creating additional financial pressure from the corporate sector,” Purizhansky said. “They’re not only doing the right thing, but they’re gaining efficiency, new revenue and transparency at no extra cost.”

The 1998 graduate of the University at Buffalo Law School is moving fast. He recently closed a $4 million seed round from a strategic corporate investor and employs about 60 people across the globe. The workforce is distributed, and he is the only Western New York employee, for now, though he is advised by John Gavigan, who leads Endeavor’s Western New York chapter, and Dennis Vacco, the former state Attorney General who is now a partner at Lippes Mathias Wexler Friedman law firm.

Jon Purizhansky said he is open to building an employee cluster in Buffalo, but that his focus is on creating the best company possible as Joblio scales quickly. The company has opened up its marketplace in Poland and Romania, is launching soon in the United Arab Emirates, and is working on several large partnerships with organizations that can instantly grant them access to large groups of people.

He wants to change things quickly, referencing Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s capitalism-based approach at driving social change.

“I want to build a huge company, which I’m confident we’re going to do,” Purizhansky said. “We don’t take anything from anyone, and we have the corporate sector funding it.”

Joblio is the 18th local company to acknowledge growth-oriented financing this year. The others include Jerry ($103 million), Squire ($60 million), ($35 million), Torch Labs ($25 million), Circuit Clinical ($7.5 million), SomaDetect ($6 million), Kickfurther ($5.9 million), HELIXintel ($1.6 million), Patient Pattern ($1.2 million), Ellicottville Greens ($1 million), Ognomy ($700,000), Braid Babes ($415,000), MemoryFox ($380,000) and Zizo Technologies ($200,000) and ($125,000) and Classavo (undisclosed).

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Maintaining Data Quality and Ethics When Hiring Migrant Labourers

Major tech companies have consistently misused the personal data of their users over the past few years. In the global migrant labour industry, many companies and governments have insufficiently guarded migrant data, allowing it to be leaked to the public or stolen by hackers. When it comes to hiring migrant labourers, ethical data management practices must become a priority.

Companies that benefit from migrant labourers need strong humanist principles when it comes to data quality and management. Here’s how platforms like Joblio are ensuring migrant data isn’t being misused around the world.

Migrant data has already been leaked

Hundreds of thousands of migrants have already suffered from inappropriate data management practices that exposed their personal information to the world. According to a report from the Guardian, the personal details of at least 774,000 migrants and aspiring migrants to Australia was made publicly accessible following a data breach. Governments and the private companies they contract with have consistently illustrated that they’re not treating migrant data privacy issues seriously.

In addition to harmful data breaches, the global migrant labour industry is also plagued by harmful practices like extensive surveillance. Human Rights Watch has reported that Russian state authorities are considering tracking migrant workers with new technology. Governments with a demonstrable history of ignoring human rights may soon be closely monitoring the migrant labourers who make critical contributions to the global economy. This monitoring can easily turn into abuse if sensitive data isn’t closely safeguarded.

Technology is often a positive force in the global migrant labour industry, allowing employees and employers to communicate directly with one another. In certain parts of the world, however, migrant labourers may soon become the victims of unwarranted and excessive surveillance that collects personal data which is improperly stored. Software that intrudes and humiliates migrant labourers must be avoided at all costs if an ethical future for the industry is to be realized.

Reliable statistics don’t need to be intrusive

Ethical companies with strong humanist principles are needed to ensure that reliable statistics for the global migrant labour industry can be collected legitimately. Keeping track of where migrant labourers are heading doesn’t need to be an intrusive or humiliating process. By ensuring transparency when it comes to how data is collected and used, private companies can ensure that migrant labourers don’t become the latest victims of inadvertent data breaches or hacks.

Platforms like Joblio are leading by example with transparent and easily accessible privacy policies that inform users what data is being collected when they make use of modern apps and digital services. Reminding migrants of their rights is an essential part of maintaining ethics when it comes to data collection, management, and storage.

Organizations such as the Global Migration Group have provided clear guidelines for collecting disaggregated data on human rights without violating the personal privacy of individual migrants. Once this data has been collected and analyzed, it must be meticulously stored with user privacy taking on the utmost importance. In addition to facing social opprobrium, companies which fail to ethically manage migrant data could run afoul of local or international privacy rules and pay a steep price for their negligence.

Jon Purizhansky, CEO of Joblio, believes that “businesses must take responsibility for their data management practices.” Unethical behavior from corporate leaders and unclear corporate guidelines on data management will lead to the abuse of migrant labourer information. User profiles and background checks must be carefully safeguarded from hackers to ensure a smooth and ethical migration process.

Joblio ensures ethical hiring is easy

Platforms like Joblio are the best way to ensure global migrant labourers are hired quickly, easily, and ethically. Applicant biometrical data is carefully managed to ensure personal information is never inappropriately leaked. By circumventing harmful middlemen who abuse migrants during the recruitment process, Joblio also ensures migrant data doesn’t fall into the hands of recruiters who don’t care about the privacy of migrants.

“Thanks to our clear privacy policy, Joblio ensures no user is ever left in the dark when it comes to their personal information,” says CEO Jon Purizhansky. By working hand in hand with both employers and employees, Joblio ensures important data on global migration patterns can be collected in a sustainable, transparent, and ethical fashion.

For too long, major tech companies have abused the trust of their users while poorly safeguarding privacy. These days, platforms like Joblio are reinventing the global migrant labour industry without sacrificing ethics in data collection and management.

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Joblio Inc. da Miami a Montecarlo per il CC Forum

Nel pomeriggio del 6 luglio, in una bella giornata di sole caldo, il Principato di Monaco ha atteso gli arrivi dagli States e da UK di chi, nel 2020, ha dato forma all’App e alla società Joblio Inc., avente sede a Miami (Florida, USA), e di chi ne è un prezioso advisor. Nell’ordine: il CEO Jon Purizhansky, l’ideatore, il Presidente David Arkless, ex Global President di ManpowerGroup, il CRO Michael Schvartsman, co-fondatore della società con Jon, e i consiglieri John Gavigan e Dennis C. Vacco.

Le interviste di Alessandra Basile

Alessandra: Ho intervistato, al Meridien Beach Plaza di Montecarlo, gran parte di loro, persone di alto profilo professionale, capaci di mettersi in gioco con coraggio e determinazione per un goal umanitario rilevante sul piano, soprattutto, europeo e di impatto internazionale, in linea con il tema principale del CC Forum di Monaco che li ha prontamente ospitati, la sostenibilità.

Joblio: la sua piattaforma user-friendly

Grazie a un team competente di professionisti rappresentanti di ogni parte del mondo, Joblio offre, attraverso la sua piattaforma user-friendly, un sistema di tracciamento centralizzato per la migrazione economica e garantisce il rigoroso rispetto degli standard umanitari internazionali.

Infatti, i miei intervistati mi spiegano che la piattaforma permette a un immigrato intenzionato a trovare lavoro, non solo di trovarlo facilmente con pochi passaggi sul proprio cellulare, ormai alla portata quasi di chiunque, ma anche di essere seguito prima di giungere nel paese ospitante e durante la sua permanenza del Paese che lo ospiterà, con una relativa formazione su cultura, leggi e lingua, fino al rientro in patria.

Il tutto grazie ad accordi governativi e a modelli di assunzione sostenibili, che potenziano l’economia internazionale nel nome dei diritti umani, a discapito delle attività criminali.

Investimenti a favore dello Sviluppo Sostenibile

Ceo e Presidente sono intervenuti alla Conferenza 2021 per gli Investimenti a favore dello Sviluppo Sostenibile, incentrata su innovazione aziendale e attività legislativa e interna al CC Forum, al quale hanno partecipato personalità quali Michael del Liechtenstein, Fondatore e Presidente della società Geopolitical Intelligence Services e Steven O’Brien, Segretario Generale del G20 Foundation.

Joblio mira a contribuire alla risoluzione delle problematiche migratorie globali con la rimozione della figura dell’intermediario dal processo di assunzione, creando un rapporto diretto fra datori di lavoro e futuri assunti, per garantire impieghi in condizioni eque e proficue. Si prevengono le frodi e si garantisce il rispetto delle leggi statali sul lavoro nelle fasi di ricollocazione del capitale umano.

Dal Comunicato Stampa di Joblio: ‘attualmente si stima siano 24.9 milioni i lavoratori sottoposti a condizioni di lavoro forzato, 16 milioni dei quali sono vittime di sfruttamento nel settore privato. Si ritiene che il lavoro forzato generi annualmente 150 miliardi di dollari USA a favore di terze parti che traggono profitto da standard di reclutamento poco trasparenti e da sistemi di pagamento corrotti.

In effetti, l’Organizzazione Internazionale del Lavoro stima che almeno 150 milioni di lavoratori lasciano, ogni anno, i propri Paesi d’origine per ricercare opportunità lavorative in un Paese estero.

Questa cifra aumenta annualmente’;‘nelle economie sviluppate, il profitto annuale per vittima di lavoro forzato è pari a circa $35,000. Buona parte di questo introito è intascata da reclutatori (..) che travisano volutamente le posizioni offerte dai datori di lavoro’.

Nel 2021, a Joblio è stato conferito il Premio “Excellence Innovation Award in Human Rights Protection” dall’Abrahamic Business Circle. La società contribuisce al salvataggio di vite umane.

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Una Giornata con JOBLIO A Montecarlo

È una bella giornata di sole quella che scalda e illumina il Principato di Monaco nei primi giorni di luglio 2021. Nel pomeriggio, per l’esattezza, del 6, sono previsti gli arrivi dagli States e da UK di coloro che, nel 2020, hanno originato Joblio Inc., sede a Miami (Florida, USA),e di alcuni dei relativi advisors. Parlo, nell’ordine, del CEO Jon Purizhansky, ideatore della App che di seguito illustro, del Presidente David Arkless, l’ex Global President di Manpower Group, del CRO Michael Schvartsman, co-fondatore della società con Jon, e dei consiglieri John Gavigan e Dennis C. Vacco. Parlo di coloro che ho intervistato presso il Meridien Beach Plaza di Montecarlo, scoprendo di avere a che fare con persone di alto profilo professionale, pronte a mettersi in gioco con coraggio e determinazione nel nome di un goal umanitario di rilevanza soprattutto europea, con un impatto internazionale nell’ottica della sostenibilità, il tema principaledel CC Forum di Monaco.

Ceo e Presidente sono intervenuti alla Conferenza 2021 per gli Investimenti a favore dello Sviluppo Sostenibile, ospitata dal CC Forum – cui hanno partecipato personalità quali Steven O’Brien, Segretario Generaledel G20 Foundation, e Michael del Liechtenstein, Fondatore e Presidente della società Geopolitical Intelligence Services – e incentrata su innovazione aziendale e attività legislativa.

Joblio, con l’aiuto di un team competente, composto di professionisti rappresentanti di ogni parte del mondo, offre, attraverso la sua piattaforma user-friendly, un sistema di tracciamento centralizzato per la migrazione economica e garantisce il rigoroso rispetto degli standard umanitari internazionali.

La piattaforma permetterebbe a qualsiasi immigrato intenzionato a trovare lavoro, non solo di trovarlo facilmente con pochi passaggi sul suo cellulare, ma anche di essere tutelato e seguito prima di giungere nel paese ospitante e durante la sua permanenza in esso fino al suo ritorno a casa, grazie a degli accordi a livello governativo, oltre che a dei modelli di assunzione sostenibili, in grado di potenziare l’economia internazionale, a beneficio dei diritti umani e a discapito delle attività criminali.Joblio mira a formare i lavoratori su cultura, leggi e lingua del Paese che li ospiterà.

Joblio intendecontribuire a risolvere le problematiche migratorie globali, partendo da un rapporto diretto fra datori di lavoro e futuri assunti, con la rimozionedella figura dell’intermediario dal processo di assunzione, per garantireimpieghiin condizioni eque e proficue.Mira a prevenire le frodi e a garantire il rispetto delle leggi statali sul lavoro nelle fasi di ricollocazione del capitale umano.

Leggo dal Comunicato Stampa emesso da Joblioalcuni numeri inquietanti: ‘attualmente si stima siano24.9 milion i ilavoratori sottoposti a condizioni di lavoro forzato, 16 milioni dei qualisono vittime di sfruttamento nel settore privato. Si ritiene che il lavoro forzato generi annualmente 150 miliardi di dollari USA a favore di terze parti che traggono profitto da standard di reclutamento poco trasparenti e da sistemi di pagamento corrotti. L’Organizzazione Internazionale del Lavoro stima che almeno 150 milioni di lavoratori lasciano, ogni anno,i propri Paesi d’origine per ricercare opportunità lavorative in un Paese estero. Questa cifra aumenta annualmente’;‘nelle economie sviluppate, il profitto annuale per vittima di lavoro forzato è pari a circa $35,000. Buona parte di questo introito è intascata da reclutatori(..) che travisano volutamente le posizioni offerte dai datori di lavoro’.

Joblio, dunque,contribuisce al salvataggio di vite umane. Nel 2021, alla società è stato conferitoil Premio “Excellence Innovation Award in Human Rights Protection”dall’Abrahamic Business Circle.


Ufficio Stampa Joblio:Esther, Valentina Castellani-Quinn, Grazia Zuccarini

Joblio Prioritizes Humanitarianism at Global Investment Forum

Joblio is proud to be presenting at the 2021 Investment in Sustainable Development Conference hosted by the CC Forum in Cote d’Azur at the Le Meridien Beach Plaza Hotel from July 6-9. This exciting international event will be attended by entrepreneurs and innovators from around the globe who will discuss revolutionary discoveries in their industries. Formidable thought leaders will assemble to discuss a sustainable future for humanity, with Joblio enjoying unparalleled representation from Chairman David Arkless and CEO Jon Purizhansky.

The forum will cover a vast range of topics, including global climate change, energy sustainability, emerging technologies, and social philanthropy. In attendance will be Meir Arnon of the Focus Capital Group, Christophe Berger of Nordic Electrofuel, Carolina Casas of Sangha Capital, amongst many other prestigious names. As titans of industry and pioneers of humanitarianism meet and mingle, Joblio will forcefully argue for renewed investment in worker wellbeing and a campaign against modern slavery around the globe.

Joblio is committed to improving the global migrant labour industry as the world begins to recover from COVID-19. The Joblio platform aims to illustrate that, in the words of CEO Jon Purizhansky, “immigration can become less of a risk and more of a sustainable foundation for economies everywhere.” More than helping migrants find jobs, however, Joblio is dedicated to elevating humanitarianism in the global economy.

Joblio’s primary mission is to save human lives in a marketplace that all too often treats them as disposable tools. At the forthcoming forum, Joblio will advocate for technological progress and show the world how digital tools can be used to improve the lives of migrant labourers.

To that end, Joblio is standing hand in hand with exploited workers so that the world can hear of their plight. Joblio will use its voice at the forum to tell the story of Amal Mabrouk Subhi Abdul Ghani Al-Sayed, an Egyptian national who has suffered from ceaseless torture and humiliation. Born in the Menofia Governante in the Republic of Egypt, Amal has endured resentment, abuse, and threats to her life from her father since her earliest days. Persecuted for her desire to learn and become a productive member of society, she has persevered and toiled in labour markets and legal hierarchies that victimize and exploit the most vulnerable.

By creating a transparent and ethical global labour marketplace, Joblio is ensuring that migrant labourers can achieve freedom and prosperity abroad. Through digital services that help labourers secure passports and legal recognition to work in other countires, Joblio’s platform will grant migrants the opportunity to put their skills to use in high paying jobs. The continued development of this modern technology guarantees that migrants enjoy a smooth hiring process and fair wages.

No one should have to endure psychological stress and phsyical torture for the supposed crime of wanting a better life. Global relocation expert Jon Purizhansky will remind the forum audience that “illicit recruitment practices take place every day, worldwide, on every continent.” He will stress that stifling regulations and opaque business practices should not stand in the way of society’s most vulnerable when they seek ethical work around the world.

The Joblio platform will provide training and cultural lessons for those workers scared of voyaging abroad without adequate preparation. This is because “migrants rarely get to work in their specialized fields in their new home,” according to global relocation expert Jon Purizhansky. By partnering with local employers, Joblio ensures migrants find a job that matches their skills. Joblio is dedicated to continuing the economic diplomacy for which its CEO Jon Purizhansky was recently recognized with an award from the Abrahamic Business Council. Ceaseless innovation in the global migrant labour industry is our constant goal.

Improving the global migrant labour industry means saving lives. Now more than ever before, we can use technology to unite employers and employees and secure financial independence for the vulnerable. Sustainable technological platforms like the Joblio app provide long-term solutions to age-old labour practices. By continuing to invest in digital tools that upskill migrants and ensure their gainful employment, Joblio is leading the technological revolution in the global migrant labour industry.

Making Sense of the Migrant Labour Community

Migrant labour plays a crucial role in both developed and developing communities. Nevertheless, the migrant labour community is frequently misunderstood by the companies, governments, and international organizations which depend upon the free movement of workers. The unique challenges these labourers face in the workplace are seldom understood by the businesses and publics which benefit from their presence.

It’s past time that we make sense of the migrant labour community that’s so vital for the growth of the global economy. Policy makers and business leaders must dedicate additional attention and resources toward migrant labour communities, a process that begins by understanding the plight of impoverished workers.

Migrant labour Continues to Rise

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted immigration patterns and disrupted both domestic and international supply lines of goods and labour. Nevertheless, recent years have proven that migrant labour continues to rise around the world. According to the 2020 World Migration Report from the United Nations, recent data indicates that there are approximately 272 million international migrants spread across the globe, nearly two-thirds of which are migrant labourers.

This represents a serious increase from the approximate figure of 150 million migrant labourers that the International labour Organization provided in 2013. These migrants seek work abroad in order to send economic remittances back home, often serving as a financial lifeline for their families and communities. Employers and political leaders must come to recognize migrant labourers as living people deserving of rights rather than cheap labor to be wielded like tools, – says Jon Purizhansky, the founder and CEO of

The Impact of COVID-19

The economic impact of COVID-19 has decimated migrant communities around the world. With wealthy and working class professionals alike struggling to make ends meet, government relief efforts often ignore the vulnerable migrant labourers who contribute to their communities but enjoy little political representation. According to one report from the UN Migration Agency, migrants abroad have been forced to abandon their jobs and return home in record numbers. This leads to worse living conditions and contributes to labor shortages in critical sectors.

According to the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, for instance, the agricultural sector has been hampered by restrictions on international movement. A recent report from the FAO predicts a dramatic reduction in economic remittances sent from migrant labourers in agricultural sectors to their home countries. It also identifies disruptions to the production, processing, and distribution of agricultural goods that are a result of migrant labour shortages. Consumers will face higher prices, employers will struggle to fill gaps in the workforce, and migrant labourers will fall into unemployment at a record pace, – accents Jon Purizhansky.

The pandemic may also lead to shifts in the origin and destination countries of the migrant labour market. Global ethical recruitment expert and Joblio CEO Jon Purizhansky once noted that “global migration is a topic that impacts hundreds of millions of people around the world.” An ILO report concludes that three subregions alone (North America, Northern/Southern/Western Europe, and the Arab States) account for nearly 61% of the migrant labour population. Disparate vaccination rates in these regions could harm migrant labourers who play a critical role in maintaining the global supply chain.

Expanding Migrant Opportunities With Joblio

Despite the challenges facing the migrant labour community, companies like Joblio are working to expand the opportunities made available to international workers. By connecting workers directly to employers through cutting-edge technology, Joblio bypasses inefficient middlemen and streamlines the immigration process. As global labour markets reel in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, apps like Joblio will prove essential for the further development of economic sectors that depend upon migrant labourers.

To ensure ethical recruitment, Jon Purizhansky notes that “all applicants will undergo a medical examination 48 hours prior to arrival, including COVID-19 tests.” By prioritizing the health and wellbeing of workers, Joblio is ensuring that global health crises have a minimal impact on the international labour market. Businesses can’t do it alone, however; governments must take steps to ensure migrant communities are included in COVID-19 recovery plans. If migrant labourers are left behind, the critical economic sectors they contribute to will never fully recover.

Migrant labour communities depend on platforms like Joblio to secure fair wages, hospitable working conditions, and attention from policy makers. Enhanced human mobility will only serve to supercharge economic growth if employers and political leaders come together and ensure the most vulnerable communities receive the support they desperately need.

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Understanding Benefits of an Ethical Recruitment Process

Employers around the world depend upon migrant labour for growth, but this hasn’t halted the exploitation of migrants in vulnerable situations. Unethical middlemen continue to prey upon the same labourers who are responsible for substantial economic growth across the globe. Domestic entrepreneurs that ostensibly seek the best for migrant labourers often partake in unethical recruitment processes, believing they’ll derive a competitive advantage from lowballing workers.

When it comes to perpetuating unethical recruitment in the global migrant labour industry, there’s little for employers to gain and much to lose. Employers must come to understand that enforcing ethical recruitment standards is both an ethical imperative and a commercially savvy tactic, says Jon Purizhansky, the founder of Joblio, Inc, a technological platform that connects workers and employers.

Exploited workers are unproductive workers

Some unethical employers believe they can gain a leg up on the competition by relying on unethical recruitment practices. They mislead migrant labourers about the nature of the offered job and provide shoddy working conditions when they arrive in their destination country. Despite the economic allure of cheap labor and low overhead costs, exploiting workers is both an ethical mistake and a commercial misstep. Exploited labourers who are treated unfairly are logically unproductive and unmotivated. They’ll also contribute to expensive employee churn that ends up eating into employer profits.

Despite the financial wisdom that comes with an ethical recruitment process, many employers around the world continue to disadvantage themselves by harming migrants in vulnerable situations. According to a report provided by the Interfaith Center On Corporate Responsibility, approximately 21 million migrant labourers are currently trapped into conditions of forced labour. These victimized labourers generate approximately $150 billion in profits for other parties, yet their employers could derive greater profits by recognizing their humanity and offering a square deal.

Migrant labourers who receive adequate wages and are ensured safe working conditions are liable to remain in the same position, point out Jon Purizhansky, CEO and founder of Joblio, Inc. Rather than seeking greener pastures elsewhere, they’ll develop helpful skills that enable further professional development. The organizations that employ them will cultivate more valuable human capital and avoid ethical scandals or legal troubles that naturally arise from labour exploitation.

Guaranteeing the rights and interest of migrant labourers should thus be the main priority of employers seeking long-term growth and industry stability. The injuries, worker exhaustion, and high turnover rates that are naturally associated with exploitative recruitment practices are simply too costly to bear, as Professor Mark Gray points out in Human Organization.

A square deal for employers and employees

Employers seeking a competitive advantage should eschew unethical recruitment and embrace high standards of worker wellbeing. Doing so will benefit their bottom lines while improving the lives of migrant labourers. It simply requires embracing technology that enables employers and employees to communicate and bargain on a level playing field.

“Employers in the developed world are not directly connected to their prospective employees due to the chain of multiple middlemen currently positioned between employers and employees,” according to global relocation expert and CEO of an ethical recruitment platform Jon Purizhansky. He aims to remedy that problem through Joblio, a SaaS platform that ensures employers are compliant with labour laws and maintain high ethical recruitment standards.

By cooperating with local organizations to ensure the human rights of migrant labourers are vigorously maintained, platforms like Joblio will supercharge growth in the global migrant labour industry. This benefits the countless employers who depend upon migrants to swell the ranks of their workforce during periods of high consumer demand. It also cuts nefarious middlemen who exploit labourers out of the recruitment process altogether.

Solving the industry’s biggest problem

Unethical recruitment is a blight upon the global migrant labour industry. It preys upon vulnerable workers and leaves employers with a degraded and demoralized workforce. Corporate and government entities interested in long-term economic growth must recognize the importance of solving the industry’s biggest problem with disruptive technologies like Joblio’s platform, – says Jon Purizhansky.

With the help of digital technology that allows employers to circumvent the legal challenges of recruiting additional labourers, vital sectors such as agriculture and manufacturing will continue to grow. By allowing workers to strenuously advocate for their own interests, these digital platforms will create a level economic playing field that benefits employers and employees alike. Hiring managers and company owners that hold power over labourers must recognize that equitable and ethical hiring practices are the first step toward achieving sustained growth.

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An Analytical Overview of Migrant Labor Market

The migrant labor market continues to contribute to the economic growth in both developing and developed regions. Jon Purizhansky, the founder of, points out that the important role played by migrant laborers in the international economy, many companies, governments, and international organizations lack information about the industries that these workers contribute to. Additionally, the origin points of many migrant laborers and the unique issues they face in the workplace are seldom understood by the businesses and ecosystems, which benefit from their presence.

This international labor market analysis explores the origins and destinations of migrant laborers in the contemporary marketplace. It also illustrates which economic sectors are dependent upon migrant labor for continued growth, and discusses why policy makers and business leaders must dedicate additional attention and resources toward migrant labor communities.

Migrant Labor Continues To Rise

Jon Purizhansky says that the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted immigration patterns and disrupted both domestic and international supply lines of goods and labor. Nevertheless, recent years have demonstrated that the number of labor migrants continues to rise around the world, a pattern that can be expected to continue as the pandemic recedes in the wake of a global vaccination effort. Jon Purizhansky also points to the 2020 World Migration Report issued by the United Nations, which indicates that there are approximately 272 million international labor migrants

This represents a serious increase from the approximate figure of 150 million migrant laborers that the International Labor Organization provided in 2013. As the global economy continues to recover from pandemic-induced recessions, labor migration will continue to rise as workers seek better wages and working conditions abroad. Nevertheless, pandemic-related travel restrictions will likely frustrate migrant laborers and their employers in the immediate future.

The Impact of COVID-19

Despite the increase in migrant laborers over the past few years, organizations which depend upon international data pertaining to migrant laborers must understand that COVID-19 will lead to serious disruptions in migrant data collection and analysis efforts for years. Jon Purizhansky mentions that assessments of migrant labor growth must account for pandemic-induced travel restrictions and job loss. Immediate shocks to the international economy have already been detected due to labor shortages which have arisen because of the pandemic.

According to the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, for instance, agricultural value chains and food supply systems have been impacted by restrictions on international movement. A recent report from the FAO notes that a dramatic reduction in economic remittances sent from migrant laborers in agricultural sectors to their home countries can be expected. It also identifies disruptions to the production, processing, and distribution of agricultural goods that are a result of migrant labor shortages.

Changing Destination Points

The pandemic may also lead to shifts in the origin and destination countries of the migrant labor market. founder Jon Purizhansky once noted that “global migration is a topic that impacts hundreds of millions of people around the world.” The impact of global labor migration is often felt more seriously in certain states than others; an ILO report concludes that three subregions alone (North America, Northern/Southern/Western Europe, and the Arab States) account for nearly 61% of the migrant labor population.

Given the disparate vaccination rate of these and other global subregions, migrant labor may flow to different destination countries in the near-future. Alternatively, regions which currently possess both a larger than average share of migrant laborers and better access to vaccines may further their advantage in the international migrant labor market. Regions such as Northern Africa, which currently hosts less than 1% of the migrant labor population, may struggle to attract more immigrants as a result of the pandemic.

Expanding Migrant Opportunities With Joblio

Despite the challenges facing the migrant labor market, companies like Joblio are working to expand the opportunities made available to international laborers. By connecting workers directly to employers through cutting-edge technology, Joblio bypasses inefficient middlemen and streamlines the immigration process. As global labor markets reel in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, apps like Joblio will prove essential for the further development of economic sectors that depend upon migrant laborers.

To ensure ethical recruitment, Purizhansky notes that “all applicants will undergo a medical examination 48 hours prior to arrival, including COVID-19 tests.” By prioritizing the health and wellbeing of workers, Joblio is ensuring that global health crises have a minimal impact on the international labor market. The migrant labor market may be experiencing growing pains, but services like Joblio are ensuring a healthy maturation of this critical economic sector.

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