Making Business Successful with Small Moves

Starting a small business can be frightening for beginners, and it requires plenty of careful planning. However, you need to be careful what strategies to apply to flourish your small business. Bigger plans don’t need to always work best, and you can always go on with small moves as well. The main part is that you must know how to tactfully apply those strategies. Flexibility and having good organizational skills will always lead to great success.

“The executive is the captain of the ship. When the ship sinks, the executive is the last person to step off the ship.” says Jon Purizhansky, the CEO of Joblio and a prominent New York lawyer. As an executive, the decisions you make will pave the way for the success of your business. This article covers some of the guidelines and tips that can help you make your business successful with small moves.

Organizational Skills

Being organized does not only refer to a neat and clean desk, but it involves time management logic and structure to manage life and increase efficiency both at home and in the workplace too. Good organizational skills in the workplace can surely help you prioritize work effectively. Also, you can improve workflow management if you have good organizational skills. Save time, reduced stress provide structure, prevent conflict with coworkers, save money, improve efficiency, and increase productivity.

As the CEO of a small business or startup, it is upon you to determine what your organizational structure will be. Jon Purizhansky states that “In a startup environment, the CEO is the person who sets strategies, goals, vision, mission, and establishes the company culture.” You should employ the same principle in your business.

Efficient Filing and Record-Keeping

This is very important. Having proper records of every business activity and keeping a check on the business insights will help you in the long run and will also save your time. When you fail to track proper records of your business activities, then it can have a detrimental impact on your efficiency, and most likely, there are no chances for your business to grow.


It is very important to keep a track of all the outstanding tasks you have to complete with your team members. Being able to see the bigger picture, it will be easy for you to assess which of the tasks are urgent, important, or less important. However, make sure that you have your end goal in mind that you want to achieve. Maintaining good organizational skills for your business will also allow you to be flexible with the capacity to re-prioritize and move between tasks accordingly.


Delegation does not mean only assigning tasks or positions to any random person. However, it means identifying trusted and capable candidates who can support your business and show their skills within the remit of their role. Providing support and guidance to your delegate will be beneficial in growing your business or bringing it one step forward towards the succeeding path.

Goal Setting

As an entrepreneur, you must possess the ability to set goals at work, and achieving them is reliant upon strong organizational skills and flexibility. Using a goal-oriented method of working allows you priority levels to your tasks. It may be helpful to first set your long-term goal, the outcome you are aiming towards, then break this down into smaller achievable tasks that you can tackle as an entrepreneur.

Learn from Your Competitors

To set your goals for greater success in your business, you must be able to identify your competitors and then analyze their success strategies. Once you succeed in finding out their success goals and methods, and if you implement them in your own business, then you may be lead your business towards a successful path.

Stay Focused and Be Creative

Your focus and creativity together can help you move your business towards the desired success road. However, it is not necessary that you will constantly be earning high profits or your business will instantly start to grow once you started. So you don’t need to lose your focus level here but remain consistent and firm to achieve your business targets. Also, focus on how you can be more creative in making your business products more attractive to the targeted customers. Make sure, you can stand out differently from your competitors. For this, you will need to various approaches and come up with highly-innovative ideas that are the best fit for your business.

Offer Great Service

Many businesses fail to understand the fact that providing great services to their valued customers is a vital part of your business. Always remember, whether you own a large company or a small business, customer feedback and opinion about your business’s services matter a lot. Once you provide them with their desired products of good quality or great services, they will become your regular customers and they can spread the goodwill of your business as well.

Bottom Line

Business goals are a significant part of establishing priorities and setting your business for success over some time. However, about 20 percent of businesses may succeed in the initial stage of starting a business. so there is no hassle. Normally businesses take time to grow and become popular. The main part is to focus and devote time to your business and also implement the above-mentioned tips to help succeed your business.

As Jon Purizhansky says, “There will be ups and downs — people getting excited or disappointed — and as the CEO I may have to make decisions that don’t make everyone happy.” Therefore, make sure to be confident in your decisions, and they will help you steer your company to success.

Top Tips for Better Businesses in 2022

In the past two years, post-Covid-19, businesses had seen a really hard time. They faced losses and saw the economy crumble. Now that things around are coming back to normal, many businesses have rebuilt themselves and have gotten their stability back to thrive again.

Jon Purizhansky, the CEO of Joblio, says that “No successful company becomes successful without teamwork and getting everyone on the same page.” If you are a newbie in business or someone trying to improve your business that has been affected, you are at the right place. Continue reading the following tips to change the game.

1.      Finding the Right People for the Right Job

When hiring for your business it is extremely important to make sure you are hiring the most compatible. Jon Purizhansky is known to say in one of his interviews, “Business success is only possible when executives make decisions based on merit and fact instead of dealing with their personal preferences.”

Human resource is the most important resource for any business and makes sure that you use them correctly. Also, measures must be taken to retain them. Happy employees increase productivity with their dedication. It will also provide a healthy collaborative environment for all to work together.

2.      Ensure Financial Stability

When doing any sort of business, financial stability is very important. It provides a platform to enhance your growth, strength to endure setbacks, and a clear vision of what has been done and what has to be done. It also helps in building the trust of your employees.

To ensure that you can use some of the following advice:

  • Your future capital needs for the projected growth must be determined.
  • To keep the cash flow going you must focus on the customers you currently have. Try different marketing strategies based on customers’ purchase history to keep them engaged.
  • Review your profitability and work to balance it.

3.      Know Your Competition

A good businessman knows the strengths and weaknesses of his business and is also aware of his competitors’ capabilities. Research about your competitors, work on USPs of your products to make them stand out. You must also know the strategies and business practices that work for them and that did not.

4.      Make Customer Care Your Priority

No matter how exceptional your product is, if you do not have good customer care service, you may be at risk of losing your customers. Providing your customers with excellent customer service helps in boosting your business because they will likely spread the word among their family, friends, and others. The following points must be taken into inconsideration for customer service:

  • Queries and problems of the customers must be addressed immediately
  • The issues must be resolved on an immediate basis
  • A calm and polite demeanor must be maintained while dealing with the customer
  • Collect feedback to assess and work on the betterment of your service

According to Jon Purizhansky, “It doesn’t matter who you are, what your personal choices are, where you come from, everybody has to be treated with basic respect.” The same principle is the foundation for quality customer care.

5.      Investing in Online Presence

Nowadays having an online presence is a must. The pandemic has boosted the online market. It’s the future of the business and to get success in the future you must take steps and invest in your online presence. Following are some steps to boost your online presence:

  • Get a website for your business
  • Make business pages and profiles on different social media accounts
  • Share relevant material (images, videos, blog posts) on all your social media accounts to increase traffic on your posts and boost brand visibility
  • Engage your brand with different social media activities. This will help your customers to connect with you on a different level

Why Is It Important to Have a Business Strategy?

Having a B is extremely valuable to you. Many people think that their business is one of the top-class businesses in the entire world. However, this may be true, but still, you need some strong business strategies that you may work upon. Even if you think you have the best business in the world and you think that your product or service is the best on the market right now, without effective marketing skills and strategies, and without having any plan to grab you’re your ideal customers, people will not know that your business even exists.

Therefore, there are some tactics that you need to use and implement in your business to achieve your goals. Some of the most prominent business strategies to make sure everyone is aware of your business title and existence are as follows:

  • Paid advertisements
  • Social Media Apps
  • Email marketing
  • Search engine optimization
  • Media

Following certain strategies or any business plan is significant as it helps you in making decisions with confidence. You do not need to rely on someone else to make your business flourish or grow. It will help you set goals and milestones that you need to for greater success. Moreover, having a business plan minimizes your risk and is a solid foundation for strategic planning and prioritization. So in the above-written article, we have focused on the top business tips which can be used for the upcoming businesses in 2022.

Trends Will Shape Work In 2022 And Beyond

If we look back in 2021, things have completely changed. Most of the people expected to return to their routines and workplaces. The year 2021 was a big challenge for businesses, leaders, and employees due to the pandemic. It was a massive struggle for talents. Some organizations modified their work trends and became flexible with their workspaces at home; however, others find it challenging to adopt the changing trends. However, it was an evolution in the business world that is still being followed and reaching its heights. The rivalry to fascinate new growing talents is increasing more severely than ever.

On the other hand, employees are taking their thoughts to the next level by asking, “Why am I doing this? Is this job for me? How can we make progress?” By answering these questions, many opt to leave their current workspaces, which give a formidable challenge to the businesses. An organization grows because of its employees.

Such organizations need to adopt new strategies to attract good people to flourish in 2022. As the year has changed, the work dynamics and the emerging aspects are covered for a longer-term evolution around the technological transformations and organizations.

Let’s look into the shaping trends that are making its ways in 2022 for dominating the future.

1. Hybrid and Remote Work:

In the U.S., employees prefer flexibility in their workspaces to a higher salary. The organization that doesn’t offer flexibility will see a high turnover in employees moving to other organizations that provide valuable and flexible work that satisfies employee desires. As a fact, employees who work remotely have fewer friends at work, which generates a weak social connection among the employees.

These weak emotional connections sometimes push the employees to quit their jobs, but due to the past year’s trends that settled a “work-from-home” environment, it might be a tough ride for the employees to join their workplaces. Thus, the remote work trend has higher emerging chances in 2022 and is more acceptable by the individuals.

This flexibility will bring talent back into companies. Furthermore, the hybrid and remote work model will expand the ratio of employees in an organization on a longer go. Therefore, the shift to remote and more flexible work environments promises to stay for an extended period.

2. Fostering a Culture of Accountability:

Since people are working remotely, a lack of trust can easily creep up among managers and employers. Trust is a major concern when your employees aren’t in your line of sight. However, moving your employees towards the soft wares that measure employee productivity and working hours will be a better solution for the firms. Companies need to support and build the trend of flexible working hours.

The culture of accountability is not new, but with the unique talents, things need to be updated, and if you don’t follow, your business might lose out on talent and a big loss on profit. In 2022, companies need to be modifying the current ways and implement the new trends of doing it. Organizations will be more enthusiastic about accepting their mistakes publicly and celebrating their achievement. Leaders need to re-develop the forms of hybrid working and react to employees’ demand for more active and agile teams.

Way to Create Accountability

• Transform the problems into continuous improvements

• Apply the norm of “we”, not “me”

• Deliver clear goals and purpose

• Get involved in communication

3. Wellness and Consideration for Employees:

For years, organizations have tried out different ways to understand their employee’s satisfaction. In 2022, organizations will add this new metric to evaluate their employee’s mental, physical, and financial health. Many surveys show how companies are investing in wellness programs to support the well-being of their employees. The results show immense improvements in performance and retention.

However, employees have been taking less advantage of their employer’s well-being programs in the last 12 months. According to Jon Purizhansky, the CEO of Joblio, “It doesn’t matter who you are, what your personal choices are, where you come from, everybody has to be treated with basic respect.” By focusing on your employees’ wellness, you provide them with the respect they deserve.

4. Societal and Political Debates:

Political, cultural, and societal discourse has occupied workplaces. The trend of creating productive and comprehensive work environments is the next big goal of organizations. While a few years back, it was not the main concern of organizations, and employees themselves were looking at this issue. Due to political and social beliefs, co-workers have avoided each other, creating a less productive work environment.

However, employees expect their employers to get involved in such regular debates. These modifications in organizations, the way they communicate to their employees, and their societal roles are the next big influential C-suite role that will arise in 2022 as the chief purpose officer.

HR is currently playing these roles and other roles in organizations, but in 2022, a new combination of roles will be encountered that will be more crucial for corporate approaches.

5. Remote Working Tools to Improve Performance:

In remote and hybrid working, things become difficult for the managers to have insights into their employee’s work. It brings inaccuracy and biased performance grading grounded on how the employee works instead of the influence they are having. Thus, the tools that are currently being used in the employees’ remote work will be used to measure their performances.

For instance, the new technologies will be used to provide the background knowledge of the person who is currently in a virtual meeting with you. By having the person’s background information, employees can focus on the important issues of meetings rather than having doubts about the person. Jon Purizhansky also states that “While there are plenty of challenges in front of us, and while what we’re doing is very difficult, I think that I expected most of the things, events, and energy that we’re going through right now.”

6. Influence of the Metaverse in Work:

During the pandemic, things shifted to a virtual world. The lockdown restrictions brought people to virtual platforms for a variety of reasons. Metaverse is a shared virtual space where people can create their avatars and explore new opportunities to interact with others. Big tech companies have shifted to this virtual world, such as Microsoft and Facebook, which are the major players of the metaverse.

CEO of Microsoft has moved his meeting and conferences to online platforms. So, in future years, we will all be adopting the Metaverse, including big tech companies.

7. Sustainability Measures:

The demand for a sustainable approach will grow in 2022. The investors, partners, customers, and even employees would be demanding a sustainable environment from the organizations. An increase in the sustainable approach would be noticed as more and more companies are moving towards this reality. They need to take actions that are convertible. The overall skillset will be changed, and organizations will need to connect with those who are working in sustainable spaces to be proud of their efforts.

This concludes our guide on 7 trends that will shape work in 2022 and beyond. By going through them, you can understand how remote work has brought about innovations, and the pandemic has also compelled people to think more about their wellbeing, rather than focusing on what makes their bosses happy. These trends are more likely to become more and more prominent as time passes. Jon Purizhansky sums it up perfectly when he says, “It’s about the people that you’re spending time with. It’s about collective goals, and teamwork. No successful company becomes successful without teamwork and getting everyone on the same page.”

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Business Coaching Programs for Entrepreneurs

A qualified business coach helps out their clients to map out their business strategy and help them clear on what their goals are and how can they pursue their business goals. Running a business can be a great passion for anyone. However, relying on an experienced business coach can give you loads of success. This is because you can be guided and learn new business strategies that can help your business touch the skies. Also, a business coach helps you get your desired results.

So if you are planning a business coaching program for entrepreneurs, then you may get a strong piece of advice and ideas in the article below.

How to Coach an Entrepreneur?

If you are a business coach, and you have a client. Now it depends on you how you help them in sustaining their business and achieve the success goals for their business. However, there are important points to look at before you begin your business coaching program for entrepreneurs.

1.      Integrity

It is very important to have good relations with your client. It can be a first entrepreneur or an experienced one too. When you can build a good bond with your client, then it will be easy for you to identify where they go wrong or where they are lacking their skills. Many entrepreneurs are not able to build relations with their team or even in their personal life too. So first you need to help them mend and repair their past relationships.

According to Jon Purizhansky, the CEO of Joblio, “It’s about the people that you’re spending time with. It’s about collective goals and teamwork. No successful company becomes successful without teamwork and getting everyone on the same page.” This has a valid reason that this is about them meeting new people and if they don’t clear up past relationships, then there will always be a struggle meeting new people. So having good connections with your client is an important part.

2.      Time Management

You got to teach the entrepreneur how to use a calendar, how to block off time to prepare, and be able to follow up with different things in life so that they can be more organized. Also, they will understand the importance of time, and know how long it takes to do certain tasks. An entrepreneur will crash and burn to try to have their own business when they fail to manage time in minutes, their seconds, and their hours. if they don’t know where their time is being utilized, they don’t know where their money goes. Also, they can be out of business completely. So walk them through on to manage a calendar.

3.      Money Management

Money management is keeping a track of the money that you are using in the business. In other terms, the capital, finance of your business. You must teach them how to maintain a proper balance and how to maintain the business expenses. If they want to know how to manage their dollars, then they need to know what things cost. They need to know where their money is going to be invested. They should know the percentages they keep, how much goes for taxes and how much do they spend, and where. If the entrepreneurs fail to understand these things, then it can further down the road, and then it will just be a mess. So, coach them on managing their dollars.

4.      Tracking and Reporting

Entrepreneurs don’t like reports. One of the major causes why they probably got into being an entrepreneur is that they don’t have to fill out reports. They do not have to track themselves. They just let it be to the whims of setting an appointment and carrying through appointments. There are multiple things to track.

As a coach, you should help them with some simple parts of tracking like how many people did they talk to, what clients said about their business, how many are interested in their business products, and many more. So, you can help them rearrange the way that they are presenting themselves. An entrepreneur who tracks and creates reports then you can adjust things accordingly which will help them gain much information about their business.

5.      Strength

An entrepreneur who physically feels weak is going to be weak in presenting themselves too. However, a strong entrepreneur can easily face challenges, can work through difficulties. Because they feel strong and whatever they face, whatever comes their way, they can work through it. They can plow through it and can rearrange a day of chaos and put it back into order because they have some physical strength and confidence.

As an entrepreneur, your work will always have an impact on your health and wellbeing. According to Jon Purizhansky, “’Nothing personal, it’s just business’ is always a false quote. We spend so much time working together and creating teams to facilitate business that it’s impossible not to become personally involved.”

So, these are the five golden ideas that will help you become a better business coach and help you guide the best to your clients and entrepreneurs. Working with a business coach is forward-focused, goal-focused, and is outcome-focused.