Joblio’s ACE Program Is Revolutionizing Migrant Assimilation

Labor shortages around the world are putting a serious strain on supply chains and companies of all sizes. Migrant laborers are being called upon to solve these shortages, yet high churn rates mean that employers are constantly seeking new migrant laborers who are costly to import, train, and acclimate to local norms.

A more efficient way to recruit, train, and retain talented migrant laborers is needed. Investing in migrant communities is the answer. Through its proprietary Applicant Concierge Experience (ACE) program, Joblio is revolutionizing migrant assimilation.

Migration Made Easy

Uprooting yourself in order to move halfway around the world for a new job opportunity has never been easy. This lengthy process often involves learning a new language, familiarizing yourself with new cultural customs, and establishing a daily routine in a strange new home. Luckily, the Applicant Concierge Experience is revolutionizing assimilation by equipping migrants with the skills they need to succeed in their host countries.

The ACE program is focused on pre-departure and post-arrival community management. This means that migrant laborers begin acclimating to their new homes before they even leave their origin countries. It also ensures they receive continuous support once they land in their new home and face unexpected challenges.

The ACE program begins with Joblio’s team of global ambassadors, who scour the globe in search of the most talented migrant laborers. After recruiting these migrants and ensuring their visas and other documents are in order, the ACE program focuses on ensuring cultural enrichment and language support while ensuring the key human needs of migrants are met.

How The Ace Program Works

We can’t expect migrants to solve our labour shortages unless they’re treated with respect and dignity. This is why the ACE program thoroughly inspects migrant housing to ensure it’s up to standards before any migrants begin living there. Our welcome program also ensures that migrants have a helping hand to rely on when they land in their new host country for the first time.

Jon Purizhansky: The ACE program then pivots to building solidarity between the actual migrants themselves. This involves free language services and cultural enrichment so that migrants become acclimated to the food and norms of their new homes. It allows diverse migrants ranging from Nigeria to Uzbekistan to speak with one another in a common language they’re learning together in order to secure better job opportunities and higher wages.

Members of the ACE program live together, learn together, and share meals together with an ACE-provided chef with culinary expertise. When migrants are happy and healthy together, they’re less likely to abandon their job prospects and force employers to embark upon another costly recruitment campaign. It also diminishes human rights abuses which are tragically common in the migrant labor industry.

Investing In Our Mutual Future

It can take up to 12 months to recruit a migrant laborer. With up to 70 percent of migrant laborers eventually leaving their jobs, contributing to incredibly costly industry churn, employers are struggling to keep positions manned by competent workers. The ACE program solves this crisis by ensuring migrants are treated right and stick around for the long haul.

“The cost of employee turnover is immense,” notes Joblio CEO Jon Purizhansky. “Companies that retain their migrant laborers with better treatment will save huge sums of money in the long run while cracking down on unethical abuses.”

An established system that provides support in both the pre-departure and post-arrival periods is essential for successful assimilation. Adequate housing, appetizing meals, language services, and professional training all go a long way toward cultivating a talented and loyal workforce. All of this is only possible through Joblio’s proprietary ACE program, which is quickly becoming the global standard for human rights protections.

“It’s always worth investing in migrant community management,” says Jon Purizhansky. “When you treat migrant laborers with dignity and respect, they work harder than ever before and ensure that everybody prospers.”

Joblio understands that positive outcomes can only be derived by investing in the wellbeing of the same migrant communities who will be working on our behalf.

Ready to be a part of a revolution that’s transforming the global labor market? Learn more about Joblio today to start making the world a better place with migrant community management.

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Demand Ethical Recruiting Now: Integrating Refugees into the Global Community

Last year the world watched in horror as Afghanistan fell to the Taliban in mere weeks. While the images of refugees are both heart-wrenching and infuriating, for those who survive this gauntlet, there are hosts of parasites and middlemen who wait to take advantage of their desperate status.

I was a refugee and later, a migrant worker, having fled my home country as a boy. I lived in Austria and Italy and can testify first hand to the dangers of refugee life and of the opportunists who entrap and enslave vulnerable people. After immigrating to America, I worked to become a lawyer, an activist, a father, and an entrepreneur.

Wherever migrants or refugees can be found, corrupt practices exist that prey upon these vulnerable people. Private missions often incur huge rescue costs, and refugees often remain dislocated without opportunity to work and make the money that sets them on a new path of independence. Consider what it might mean for refugees to be placed in regions in grave need of workers, enabling them to start over while breathing new economic life into the countries and communities that accept them.

Vulnerable populations seldom possess the political or economic power they need to gain a better lot in life. Unstable economies, security, and economic disenfranchisement are leading causes of radicalization, criminal activities, smuggling, and warfare.

It is essential to acknowledge that across the developing world, populations are reaching increased longevity, leading to critical shortages of young workers that fuel economic growth. According to the United Nations, “one in six people in the world will be aged 65 years or over” by 2050. Germany, The United States, Japan, and many other major economies will need young workers to keep up with demand for products and services. At this moment, we have an opportunity to address both concerns. If global migrants and refugees are to travel around the world to solve labor shortages, first-world nations must step up and take responsibility to hold employers accountable and demand ethical practices to protect workers.

Political leaders, titans of business, and international humanitarian groups need to acknowledge the urgency of this crisis and of this opportunity to act. We must cultivate technology that generates a seismic social impact and develops global infrastructure to help them. When governments, businesses, and technological innovators fail to step up and address social problems, the most vulnerable suffer when their plight is monetized by wealthy actors who seek to profit from chaos.

Currently, a lack of tools for coordinating the global movement of people is leading to serious abuses and corruption in the evacuation and resettlement of refugees. Standardization is sorely needed across the world to ensure optimal outcomes. We already know that technology can make an important social impact, but only if it is wielded by governments and groups with ethical motivations.

We must reject efforts to cash in on the suffering of migrants, refugees, and vulnerable persons. It’s not enough to simply understand the migrant community — we all need to lend a helping hand as well. We should loudly support current resettlement efforts and help migrants find affordable housing and careers as soon as possible. We need to commandeer technology, and the power of the globe, to streamline and permanently digitize the process of relocating and integrating migrants.

While we as individuals cannot help the masses of jobless, displaced, or hungry people, there is something we can do — and demand as global citizens — that has a far-reaching impact on people and peace as a whole.

  • We can establish and implement ethical practices for hiring transitory workers.
    ● We can facilitate arrangements with governments and with employers to provide them with the workers they need.
    ● We can use technology to create a transparent process and provide support vehicles that benefit both the employer and the employee.

This is where our culture’s righteousness can be leveraged for real change and action. Commit to ensuring that refugees, migrants, and other vulnerable workers can enjoy the rights they deserve without being exploited by those who seek to profit from their situation. With a global agenda to help vulnerable persons on the move, we can radically defy corruption and prioritize the upholding of human rights around the world. Ethical recruiting is the solution and we make that a reality by building relationships with governments and businesses, and transparency in connecting skilled workers to employers in need of worker.

About Joblio, Inc

Jon Purizhansky is Founder and CEO of Joblio, a leading technology SaaS platform and app designed to provide skilled labor with employers throughout the world, while actively bringing change to the global migrant labor industry. Joblio prevents fraud and ensures compliance with labor laws in the processes of human capital relocation across the world. By directly connecting migrant laborers with their employers, Joblio removes middlemen from the hiring process to ensure fair and prosperous employment. In 2021, Joblio received the “Excellence Innovation Award in Human Rights Protection” Award from the Abrahamic Business Circle.

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Joblio In 5 Fast Facts

Joblio is trusted by countless migrants all around the world in search of new jobs. Yet Joblio is more than a simple job board – it’s a global community of migrants and employers.

Here are 5 major facts that you may not know about the Joblio platform.

1. Joblio Is The Proud Winner Of Humanitarian Awards

Joblio doesn’t just preach human rights – we protect them, too. Joblio CEO Jon Purizhansky was honored with the “Excellence Innovation Award in Human Rights Protection” in Dubai following his years of service to the migrant community.

2. Joblio Has A Global Presence

Joblio is based in the United States but has a truly global presence. Did you know that Joblio has offices in the US, Poland, Moldova, and Azerbaijan? Joblio also has representatives or ambassadors on every continent except Oceania and Antarctica!

3. Joblio Candidates Are Sourced From  12 Countries

The Joblio platform is now so popular that it draws in candidates from around the world. From Nigeria to Nepal, talented workers are rising to the occasion in every industry. Workers from nearly every continent can count on Joblio to find a new life abroad.

4. More than 1,000 Joblio Candidates Are Waiting For Work Permits

Joblio is providing so many employment opportunities that more than 1,000 qualified candidates are currently in processing and awaiting work permits from their host countries. No matter what labor shortages arise in the future, Joblio has a deep pool of talented workers to guarantee economic growth for everybody.

5. Joblio Provides Free Language Classes For All Workers 

Joblio is invested in the success of our job candidates. That’s why we provide free language classes as part of ACE : Applicant Concierge Experience,  to all successful candidates, ensuring quick integration and cultural cohesion. With the help of the Joblio platform, countless migrants enjoy the opportunity to learn a new language for free as they seek work abroad.

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Looking For Workers Through Joblio : Solving the Bus Driver Shortage

  • A critical shortage of bus drivers is harming economic growth in the EU
  • Joblio makes it easy to hire bus drivers when looking for workers
  • Joblio candidates are thoroughly vetted and ethically sourced to avoid Personnel issues
  • The Joblio team is ready to help you recruit foreign workers to end labour shortages

A disastrous labour shortage is fueling an industrial crisis that has companies everywhere looking for workers. In order to recover from this historic hiring crisis, businesses need a reliable pipeline of talented workers who can quickly fill shortages whenever they arise.

Countries recruiting foreign workers to fulfill domestic labour shortages is the obvious step forward. With the help of the Joblio platform, hiring can easily be accelerated without suffering the negative consequences of globalization and labour exploitation.

Looking For Workers Is Easy With Joblio

Companies and governments across Europe are looking for workers and want to hire bus drivers immediately. A lack of qualified drivers has led to a crippling labour shortage which means that fewer workers are being safely transported to their destinations than ever before. This, in turn, leads to reduced efficiency elsewhere in the economy.

Things are getting so bad that service shortages are now cropping up. The solution is hiring platforms like Joblio, which create natural talent pipelines that lead an endless supply of talented professionals to the hungry employers in need of additional workers.

“With Joblio’s help, hiring bus drivers and looking for workers becomes more efficient and ethical than ever before, all while remaining legally compliant,” says Joblio CEO Jon Purizhansky. “It’s because our partners allow us to tap into a global talent network that local competitors simply can’t compete with.”

By thoroughly vetting each and every candidate before contract negotiations begin, Joblio ensures that globalization and labour exploitation don’t have to be one and the same. Instead, we can forge new global connections that are ethically sourced, compliant with regulatory regimes, and guaranteed to solve our dire domestic labour shortages.

Recruiting foreign workers and integrating them successfully

Joblio has already helped countless companies from every corner of the world fulfill their hiring needs by recruiting foreign workers at scale. Our extensive vetting process ensures their documents are in order before travel begins while guaranteeing public health concerns aren’t brushed under the table during the recruitment process.

“With Joblio, companies hiring foreign workers to fill labour shortages always know exactly what they’re signing up for,” notes Jon Purizhansky. “Ethical global recruitment just got a whole lot easier.”

Tired of trying to figure out recruitment policy in Poland? Exhausted from late-night legal research about recruiting foreign specialists? Joblio’s expert team takes the stress out of hiring by connecting you directly with qualified candidates who are legally ready to start working as soon as possible.

Joblio’s success when it comes to helping businesses that are looking for workers stems from our commitment to integration. Our high-value candidates receive extensive support from our hiring platform to ensure they have everything they need in their new community as they get to work. By providing language services and the comforts of familiar cultural foods, Joblio has cultivated an unparalleled international talent pool ready to get to work.

European Roads Need More Drivers

Trucks and bus services across the EU are struggling due to a lack of qualified drivers. With the help of the Joblio platform, countries recruiting foreign workers can quickly fill these shortages and ensure public transportation needs are met without breaking the bank. It’s a win-win solution for employees and employers alike.

The current driver shortage is a global issue that demands an international response. By unifying behind the Joblio platform, countries recruiting foreign workers can ensure the ethical, efficient, and affordable hiring of workers at scale like never before. Without next-generation platforms like Joblio, our current service outages will only grow worse as time goes on.

Businesses which are looking for workers must understand that the hiring solution they desperately need is staring them in the face. By creating an international network where employers and job-seekers can easily find one another and effortlessly negotiate contracts, Joblio stands ready to help our global economy recover from this industrial crisis.

Looking to hire workers and take part in our global movement? Contact Joblio today and keep up to date with the Joblio blog, where we’re providing the latest hiring insights for recruiting foreign workers.

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Joblio Welcomes Valentina Castellani Quinn As Global Spokesperson

Joblio, Inc., is pleased to announce that Valentina Castellani Quinn has been appointed global spokesperson for the innovative technology platform. Miss Castellani brings award-winning film and production experience to the worldwide technology platform, where she intends to raise awareness about the plight of the world’s most vulnerable migrant populations. The celebrated film producer and head of the esteemed Quinn Studios Entertainment intends to develop a documentary about abused migrants who can be saved through Joblio’s life-changing platform.

“We’re incredibly excited to have Valentina aboard, as her global status as a leading humanitarian will help raise awareness about migrant suffering around the world,” said Joblio CEO Jon Purizhansky.

“With Joblio’s help, I’m confident we can continue to raise awareness about human rights abuses around the world,” Miss Castellani noted. “It’s long past time the global community bands together to eliminate modern human slavery and save the lives of migrant labourers who are all too often exploited. With this new technology platform, we have a chance to enact real change.”

In addition to producing Academy Award-nominated films, Miss Castellani has been honored with the prestigious US Congress Award and the English WIFTS Award alongside other prominent women such as German Chancellor Angela Merkel and actress Gal Gadot.

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Joblio Method Of Migrant Community Management

Countless communities across the developed world are in dire need of additional workers. Ensuring the quick integration of migrant labourers into our communities is of the utmost importance to meet the critical labour shortage currently besetting the global economy.

The Joblio method of community management is an incredibly effective strategy for ensuring the successful integration of migrant labourers into their host countries. Here’s how Joblio is helping migrant labourers succeed with stellar community management services.

Migrants Need A Community To Lean On

Packing up your belongings and moving to a distant land is no easy feat. Migrants around the world need to be able to lean upon a like-minded community during the integration period to find cultural and commercial success in their new jobs. To that end, Joblio provides community management services which guarantee that no migrant has to undergo the relocation and integration process alone.

“Migrants need support in order to succeed. We provide that support before they ever migrate in the first place, ensuring they’re prepared for the journey to come,” notes Joblio CEO Jon Purizhansky.

This community management process begins before migrants even leave their origin countries in the first place. Migrants are thoroughly educated through online courses that teach them about their destination countries long before they arrive. This in turn hastens the integration process once they land in their new home country and fosters better cross-cultural exchange for everyone.

After Joblio thoroughly vets migrant worker candidates to ensure their credentials, the platform provides relocation services which help migrants start their new lives abroad. A prominent feature of this relocation service is that migrants arrive in groups of 20, ensuring they have a similar community of fellows to depend upon in times of trouble.

Governments, companies, and NGOs involved in the global relocation of migrant workers must understand the importance of community management. If workers are thrust into unfamiliar territory without any familiar lifeline to depend upon, their chances of truly succeeding are severely limited. By focusing on positive community management that develops a support network for new migrants, we can drastically improve outcomes for all.

Modern Community Management Solutions

Community management is not a new idea when it comes to migration — scholars have been discussing the merits of community management for decades. Yet recent innovations are allowing us to approach community management from a new angle, harnessing digital technology all the while to supercharge the results.

“We’ve been debating community management for years, but modern technology allows us to quickly resolve age-old problems like never before,” says Jon Purizhansky.

In addition to providing online classes which are widely accessible across the world, we’re also taking steps to ensure the culinary and cultural needs of migrants are met in their new workplaces. Every time Joblio sends a group of 20 migrant labourers to a new host country, a chef who understands the dietary preferences and needs of the migrants goes with them. This way, these invaluable workers can enjoy some of the comforts of home as they explore intimidating new foods, restaurants, and grocery stores in their host nation.

Home cooked meals shared by the migrant workers can also help them bond with one another. As they go through the experience of moving to a new nation together, they’ll develop valuable connections that ensure nobody falls behind during the integration process.

As the global migration industry continues to expand at a breakneck pace, we must take such cultural quirks into consideration. It’s one thing to venture abroad on a temporary vacation and try new foods — it’s another thing entirely to move to a new country for work only to go hungry because local tastes aren’t yet palatable to you. By enhancing the daily wellbeing of migrant communities, we prepare them for the hard day’s work they want to provide in order to secure fair wages.

Making Migrants Feel At Home

A few touches of home life can radically improve the migrant experience, which in turn translates to enhanced commercial gains for their employers and quicker integration into their host nations.

Joblio is taking steps to ensure migrants feel at home in their new countries by ensuring they’re relocated into communities with adequate religious offerings. This means we focus on integrating religious migrants who have concerns about their faith into regions with appropriate places of worship and local faith groups.

Migrants feeling estranged from their religious practices when they enter a new country is one of the most common complaints in the industry. At Joblio, we’re committed to ensuring that migrant labourers don’t have to abandon their religious beliefs in order to pursue economic opportunities abroad.

Making migrants feel at home is a tricky process that’s nevertheless worth pursuing. The cost of failure is a lackluster integration process that wastes the potential of these critical workers. In an effort to bolster human rights, improve the migrant experience, and ensure optimal economic outcomes, Joblio will tirelessly perfect its method of community management.

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Halting The Migrant Crisis Using Joblio

The ongoing migrant crisis in Europe continues to challenge government officials, NGOs, and private businesses desperately trying to manage the flow of people across borders. While some temporary measures have helped authorities regain control, a long-term solution to disorganized and dangerous migration is sorely needed.

WIth the Joblio platform, we can halt the migrant crisis and establish a more sensible migration system. Here’s how Joblio’s revolutionary technology can make migration more manageable.

Hundreds are missing or dead

Each year, tens of thousands of migrants are arriving in Europe from the sea, though not all of them manage to complete this perilous voyage. According to UN data, nearly 600 were reported missing or dead from sea-based crossings in 2019 alone. Without immediate and serious action on the part of government officials and European businesses, this grim figure may keep rising.

“We have been far too ambivalent about the wellbeing of migrants,” notes Joblio CEO

. “Many European industries are utterly dependent upon migrant labour to remain operational, yet we regularly implement dizzying laws that restrict migration and make life difficult for current labourers.”

At a time when many European companies are grappling with crippling labour shortages, many European lawmakers are actively making it difficult for migrants to make new lives here. This depresses economic growth, encourages undocumented migration, and fuels humanitarian crises which shock and anger us with heartbreaking images.

Build a better tomorrow with Joblio

Once we harness the Joblio platform to put an end to migrant labour exploitation, we can begin building a more sustainable economic future. As we’ve already seen, migrants can successfully integrate into European societies despite some populist backlash against their acceptance. This process begins with destigmatizing migrants.

With platforms like Joblio, migrants can quickly find work abroad. This next-generation service also provides language support, assistance with document management, and never charges migrants a penny in return for job opportunities. When European businesses begin to understand the true extent of Joblio’s platform, they’ll come to view migration as a commercial opportunity rather than a cultural threat.

“What we need to remind everyone is that migration is a serious economic and humanitarian issue,” says Jon Purizhansky. “While it’s important we open our hearts to their suffering, it’s also critical to recall that migrant labour iis a sound investment in our mutual future.”

As Europe approaches a serious labour crunch in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, this is becoming more obvious with each passing day. Business owners and public figures must loudly remind the public that qualified migrant labourers recruited through platforms like Joblio will prove indispensable for future economic growth.

Overcoming hurdles to success

There are a few key issues we must focus on to ensure the migrant crisis is truly ended. Lackluster legislation currently muddies the waters and makes it difficult for businesses to understand commercial regulations. During an economic downturn, this has the added effect of killing struggling businesses which might have survived if regulations had been more clear.

The next is convincing the public that critical labour shortages in vital industries may only be remediable with the help of migrant labourers. The importation of qualified migrant labour cannot be viewed as a threat by the public, but must come to be recognized as a beneficial public policy for all.

Finally, backwards public opinion and simple bigotry continue to pollute minds across the Western world. Open hearts as well as clever minds are required for ending the migrant crisis. Luckily, the Joblio platform combines a wise solution to current employment problems with a compassionate approach to human rights.

“There’s no reason for Europe to keep stumbling in the dark,” says Jon Purizhansky. “With the Joblio platform, we can bring an end to the migrant crisis and prevent future humanitarian disasters.”

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Joblio closes $4 million seed round amid Rapid Global Growth

You can take the refugee out of the refugee camp, says Jon Purizhansky, but you’ll never erase the pain of that experience.

The Buffalo-based attorney-turned-tech entrepreneur is using his history as fuel to build a social enterprise startup that helps protect transient employees from predatory middlemen.

Joblio, launched a year ago, is a global talent marketplace for migrant workers.

As it currently stands, workers in underdeveloped areas have to take out loans to pay middlemen, who set them up with jobs that can range from cleaning to fruit-picking. The middlemen often over-promise and under deliver, leading to problems for the employees and their prospective employers.

Joblio is a carefully managed software-as-a-service platform for those employers, who can connect directly with new pools of talent around the world (they only work with companies that provide free housing for the workers). And for the migrant workers themselves, it’s a free and transparent way to escape the tethers of poverty and lawlessness.

“Joblio walks into this ecosystem and brings order to it without creating additional financial pressure from the corporate sector,” Purizhansky said. “They’re not only doing the right thing, but they’re gaining efficiency, new revenue and transparency at no extra cost.”

The 1998 graduate of the University at Buffalo Law School is moving fast. He recently closed a $4 million seed round from a strategic corporate investor and employs about 60 people across the globe. The workforce is distributed, and he is the only Western New York employee, for now, though he is advised by John Gavigan, who leads Endeavor’s Western New York chapter, and Dennis Vacco, the former state Attorney General who is now a partner at Lippes Mathias Wexler Friedman law firm.

Jon Purizhansky said he is open to building an employee cluster in Buffalo, but that his focus is on creating the best company possible as Joblio scales quickly. The company has opened up its marketplace in Poland and Romania, is launching soon in the United Arab Emirates, and is working on several large partnerships with organizations that can instantly grant them access to large groups of people.

He wants to change things quickly, referencing Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s capitalism-based approach at driving social change.

“I want to build a huge company, which I’m confident we’re going to do,” Purizhansky said. “We don’t take anything from anyone, and we have the corporate sector funding it.”

Joblio is the 18th local company to acknowledge growth-oriented financing this year. The others include Jerry ($103 million), Squire ($60 million), ($35 million), Torch Labs ($25 million), Circuit Clinical ($7.5 million), SomaDetect ($6 million), Kickfurther ($5.9 million), HELIXintel ($1.6 million), Patient Pattern ($1.2 million), Ellicottville Greens ($1 million), Ognomy ($700,000), Braid Babes ($415,000), MemoryFox ($380,000) and Zizo Technologies ($200,000) and ($125,000) and Classavo (undisclosed).

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How to Get an International Job before Moving?

Typically when moving to a new location, you will need to find a place to live before looking for a job. But when you apply for work through Joblio, you have the opportunity to locate a job abroad and speak directly with your potential employer before you even start to pack your bags.

Jon Purizhansky, Joblio’s founder, says that Joblio provides workers with access to countless offers posted each day from employers looking for eager and knowledgeable employees. You can easily find your next dream job and experience the wonders of relocating to a new country by applying with us today.

How to Get a Job Abroad Before Moving

According to Jon Purizhansky, Joblio Platform makes it easy to find new work abroad. If you need a new job and enjoy traveling to distant places, you should consider using this free and practical resource.

With a single platform, Joblio provides a space where workers and employers can communicate with each other without the interference of a middleman. Jon Purizhansky points out that you no longer need to contact a labor broker or agent who will change you extra for finding work. Instead, you can search through the most current job listings from potential employers and filter your results based on your personal criteria and skills to ensure you find the ideal position.

Joblio will conduct an official KYC procedure which includes a background check before you are hired. And once you are matched with an employer, we will start preparing you for employment and moving to a new location. At this time, we will educate you on the language, laws, and culture of your new host country. You will also need to take a medical exam 48 hours before you arrive at your destination.

While working for the employer you found through Joblio, you and your new boss will receive ongoing support from us. That is to ensure you are as comfortable as possible while residing in a different country. Our representatives can assist you with the necessities after moving, such as getting phone service, opening a bank account, and getting medical care.

With Joblio, you are capable of learning the actual conditions of your new job straight from your employer. By receiving these accurate and thorough details, you can be assured you are making the right decision when you accept a job offer. Now you can find work on your own with confidence when you use the Joblio app.

What are the Benefits of Getting a Job with Joblio?

When you get your new job with Joblio, you can enjoy some exceptional benefits. All workers can use Joblio’s services for free, which can be a considerable advantage when looking for work. And since there is no middleman or other party involved, you have the chance to communicate directly with your future employer, allowing you to get the facts about your new job and the community they are located in.

Our team provides all candidates with work permit paperwork assistance to eliminate any confusion and make the process go much faster. Education services on cultural differences, laws, and language for the employer’s country are all provided by us to you before you depart. And if needed, we also offer arbitration assistance for any employer/employee disputes. We are against any type of exploitation, violations, or humiliation of Human Rights. We offer protection of all employee’s rights while they are working in their host countries.

How to Use the Joblio App

Joblio’s founder Jon Purizhansky points out that for anyone wondering how to get a job abroad before moving, the Joblio app makes it easy to apply. Available for iOS and Android devices, this app allows you to personalize your profile so potential employers can learn more about you at a glance. You can browse jobs using various filters to help you find the perfect offer. And all data is kept secure with our system. The app also includes a section discussing the many benefits employees and employers can receive by working with Joblio. There are resources that can help you get better acquainted with your host country and the option to invite a friend to use the app as well.

Learn How to Get an International Job By Contacting Joblio

If you are planning to move overseas and are searching for new employment opportunities, Joblio has got you covered. All candidates have the chance to communicate directly with their potential employers. And all our services are available to international workers free of charge because we believe you shouldn’t have to pay to find work.

At Joblio, there are no middlemen involved, no recruitment fees required, and we offer a helpful 24/7 support hotline. Visit our website or check our smartphone app to learn more about how to get an international job.

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